White men want to be oppressed SO BADLY, yet the minute they see the slightest hint of a path towards equality for all they freak out and put people like Donald Trump and his minions in the White House.
White men want to be oppressed SO BADLY, yet the minute they see the slightest hint of a path towards equality for all they freak out and put people like Donald Trump and his minions in the White House.
Suffered is a strong word in this case, my friend.
I call bullshit. Everyone knows that the only real ethnic slur for a white person is “racist.”
POC deal with racism all the time and this limp scoop of oatmeal suffered from it ONE TIME.
You cannot be serious with this comment, right?
In their quest to stay relevant as our consumption of cars changes, General Motors dumped $500 million into the…
No star for you, mate.
Waaaaaay too simplistic. Any government, large or small, could become tyrannical. But there are ways to design governments so that this is less likely.
The Fantastic Four movie franchise is on its way to being rebooted - with the exceedingly clever title The…
I don't think you understand women very well, dude.
This. For nearly forty years, it was always and only this. Just look how the 1980 Reagan campaign courted the religious vote in the South. It was a very cynical power grab right from the start.
Sure, I can buy that.
No disagreements from me, that's for sure!
No disagreements there.
Note that I'm an absurdist, and I have to ask, why?
So the universe exists because we avoid a divide by zero error? Well, maybe. My opinion is, why does there have to be a reason?
As an atheist, absurdist, I'll agree that we'll never settle these 8 issues conclusively for most people. But I've come to several opinions on several of them based on arguments of likelihood.
Nope, I still agree with Feynman.
I wonder if Half-Elves are sterile like Ligers :-)