"It's pretty alienating to some of us men, too."
"It's pretty alienating to some of us men, too."
I remember reading somewhere that people's bodies have regulation systems in place that prevent the caloric consumption of sex, orgasm and related activities from exceeding a set amount so, unless, you do a massive cardio before sex, or do pullups or pushups as you wack off, orgasm itself ain't gonna do much for you.
This might be a very fun game to play! And I'm glad it's open source!
Probably it's related in some way to the Media Lab. The place where a lot the stuff we take for granted in computers was born.
Hello, just another interloper from IO9 pontificating here—
Yeah, I wasn't really all that hopeful, when I said what I said. Just exploring the possibility.
Interloper from IO9 weighing in—
Interloper from IO9 here—
Yeah, but can't you take some pride in defying biological urges?
Well here's hoping people's reactionary stupidity on these issues won't last forever.
Look, I totally dig this is a breakthrough and it was vitally necessary to save this woman's life—so hooray for medicine!
As yet there is no proof that any form of antimatter has negative mass. In fact most of physics research for the last 60 years has assumed that antimatter has mass just like ordinary matter.
Citations please. And please don't confuse Guth's Inflation or the casimir effect with negrtive mass, those two things happen without negative mass and can't be considered proof for such.
Which is precisely my point. The "reality is a simulation" argument seems very much like thinly disguised religion to me.
Okay, point taken.
Which is not really much of an accomplishment. Becoming some famous person's spouse is not a big deal.
Yes, but mapping DNA has nothing specifically to do with the historical paths of human evolution. Specifically mapping human DNA has many things to do with medicine and forensic science, and that's useful, I'll grant that.
Ginny Weasley, apparently. August 11th. In my case 08-11-1963.