Which is the next bullshit shibbolith: "Hey! Don't cramp my artistic freedom!"
Which is the next bullshit shibbolith: "Hey! Don't cramp my artistic freedom!"
That's bullshit and assumes that that the only people who buy video games are hetro thirteen year old boys without girlfriends. Chainmail bikini armor alienates a lot of potential customers—and not just women either. As an old dude, I'd much rather not be embarrassed to be seen playing these games.
Cool. Just so long as we're clear on that.
Just a visiting interloper from IO9 here, I'll just leave this for your consideration:
The Maid of Tarth is nucleonically dense awesomeness! Nobody gets to diss' her!
You're ignoring all the profoundly complex infrastructure that exists in the ecosystem that makes it easy for humans to thrive. It took five billion years of blind evolution before human brains and hands could be possible.
This should be kinda obvious, but robots don't need elaborate life support systems to survive in hostile environments. They can be optimized to survive in those dangerous environments. This makes them far cheaper.
That probably won't always be so. And there are many other ways robots could be far cheaper than organisms.
Perhaps so, I don't know. I guess we'll have do some experiments and see how it works for us.
Perhaps so, I don't know. I guess we'll have do some experiments and see how it works for us.
Well, there might be a need for some supervision.
Esther, I just wanted to say that out of all the paragraphs you've ever written for IO9, I'm the most happy with the third to last one here. (The one that begins with "Or maybe not....")
Personally, I'm all in favor of women superheroes dressed in reasonable outfits. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously, if, man or woman, you're half undressed and your boobs, wiener or ass is hanging out? A uniform should command respect. Dressing like strippers doesn't command respect.
If that had been the end of BSG, I might have actually watched the series in the first place. Way back late 50s and early 60s, Twilight Zone wasn't afraid to go for downer endings.
I'm pessimistic on some things and optimistic on others. Is this contradictory? Yes, I'm irrational. I'll admit it. I still feel that way though.
Hear, hear! It's the work of people like you and others, that drags civilization forward to a day when this might actually be a decent planet to live on.
Please spare me the Idiocracy inspired eugenic thinking. I refer you to XKCD:
Me too.
Because I love children is the reason why I don't have any. Really, this world is far too primitive and awful to inflict on children.