
Apparently, a lot of the insurrectionists have been turned in by Facebook “friends” and various people they’ve wronged.

lol, dumbass. 

Oh, Senator Johnson (R, if you had any doubt) thinks the mob of insurrectionists got violent because the Capitol Police used tear gas? I wonder if he thinks the fact that his well-behaved and peaceful insurrectionists were using bear spray and clobbering the CP with metal poles and using metal barricades as weapons

It bothers me how bothered people my age are that people younger than us might think we’re OLD. We are old compared to people who are 18 lmao. I'm getting bothered that this isn't bothering me more. It's a sure sign I've gotten old that I'm not worried about being old. My mom said this wouldn't happen. Ahh!

And she’s 44???


I already follow the dodo! On my way to go find the dogspotting group, thanks!

Didn’t watch things last time; not going to watch this time. I’d be more interested if the Senators were really going to honestly evaluate the evidence, but they’ve already made up their minds. And so, even though I see the necessity of going through the motions, it’s all political theater at this point, and not

Say what you will about NBC’s Brian Williams, but his disdain for Mike Lindell is not even concealed anymore. He basically refers to him as the “the conspiracy guy who sells chopped foam pillows” anytime he has to mention him on air.

This just in: Fox has cancelled Lou Dobbs’ show.

Cultural appropriation aside, this has to be the dumbest fitness fad ever. Which is saying a lot.

But I sure hope they do!

Reins, not reigns. Tiny quibbles are tiny and quibbley.

I’m going to start hoarding some old Jackson 20s so in ten years I can sell them to racists for $50 each.

the bar was so low that he could probably still be your last pick after all of this and do better than what the former president had to offer.

Biden was not my first choice for the Democratic nomination. He wasn’t even my second.

I feel like if you’re willing to risk your life for a country in which a not-insignificant number of people want to restrict your rights as much as possible, if not make you suffer or kill you, because they’re weirded out by you and for no other reason, then not only should you be allowed to serve, you should be

Joan, pssst. Tiny typo here: First Ladyy Jill Biden.

Everyone hit just the right note and looked terrific. I just loved Gaga’s look.

All of those batteries are shit. I've been very happy with the amazon basics, then tenergy, and best are eneloop.

All of those batteries are shit. I've been very happy with the amazon basics, then tenergy, and best are eneloop.