So much anger about this one article. Are you alright?
So much anger about this one article. Are you alright?
I’m on board with this guy. I was at a casual dining restaurant (Macaroni Grill, I think) with a group of eight where the waitress asked each of us “which salad” we wanted with our entrees. Turns out they were NOT included with the price of the entree and we all got upsold $4 salads, due entirely to her phrasing of…
“a middle-aged comic”
Thank you! I felt like I was having an attack of face blindness trying to figure it out. (I went with Lena Headey on the left but they didn't seem like contemporaries.)
I sense a new profile pic in his future.
Favorite movies?? I get avoiding politics or vices but that’s such an unremarkable question to deflect on.
I wanna pull up next to those jeans and toss my change into them.
I’m inclined to think it’s vindictive revisionist history based on that questionable metoo’ing of him a few years ago.
This article has stuck with me for decades, for how cleverly observed and written it was (and continues to be):
I get them coming in from my balcony on the 20th floor. They are relentless and it’s really important to attack the problem before they “take root” in your place. Once their chemical trails become established it’s extremely hard to totally be rid of them.
“look at the way the statue is standing. That’s a Trump stance all right.”
I replied to Tofutti Klein above (probably in the greys) with a sneaky discovery I made when searching for appointments on CVS’ mobile site. Even though it said my state was fully booked, I was still able to book both doses just 3 days out. Hope it can help you!
There isn’t enough kerning on earth to obscure that innuendo.
Hang on, are you saying the man who found shrimp tails in his cereal is named Karp and has a wife named Fishel?
Ha. On my laptop, that image cut off after the first response (ending at “he’s safe, right?”).
If you watch carefully, you can see her react to each emission separately in turn.
LOL “essential workers” get over yourself you fucking idiot
I’m not exactly hip to what fights Gen-Z is picking on TikTok, but so far and as a distant outside observer, this war has felt EXTREMELY one-sided, waged almost entirely in the minds of insecure millennials.