Is it wrong of me to hope he dies, or at least ends up on a ventilator? With the exception of Herman Cain, all these Trump admin people get it, and seem to fine, include Trump himself. It’s not fair.
Is it wrong of me to hope he dies, or at least ends up on a ventilator? With the exception of Herman Cain, all these Trump admin people get it, and seem to fine, include Trump himself. It’s not fair.
True, but on the other hand, you better believe that there are a whole bunch of right wing, not-so-crypto-fascists out there taking plenty of notes of what mistakes to not make next time.
His lawyers seemed to do the bare minimum to collect their fees which was to file the lawsuits and be cagey about it until the judge pressed them then immediately withdraw.
Except they’re not, and anyway the “good” lawyers are long gone.
Yeah, except all the smart lawyers have withdrawn. He’s now put Giuliani in charge of this.
Deep State, something, something, conspiracy, PIZZA GATE!
I just really don’t get why the Republicans even believe the MAGA movement exists anymore. They clearly aren’t out in the streets protesting this “stolen election”. The real money came from the donors. The GOP has suffered more losses than wins under Trump.
Funny how according to Trump the same ballots that legally elected GOP senators illegally elected Joe Biden.
As I keep saying, all you need to do is look at the relief they’re asking for in all these lawsuits.
Fuck off. Why should she sideline her own career in deference to her husband’s? The woman wants to work. She earned a doctorate in pursuit of that work. She has every right to keep working and to be paid for that work.
Considering trump golfing outing cost secret service 130million+ which by the way paid to the golf course owner which is the president himself. The president who despite inflated pricing given to secret services, only paid usd 750 income tax and currently being investigated for fraud by NY state.
Please shut up. Thank you.
Maybe save the complaints for when she makes the Secret Service buy merch at the bookstore. You know, like Trump charging them for literal drinking water at the clubhouse.
Not even remotely a close comparison.
I had my priceless Picasso painting stolen from me! I will provide no evidence it was stolen or that I even ever had it. But anyone who questions me about this clearly took part in the theft!
Cavuto just cut her off .....said he couldn’t keep airing her baseless comments without evidence. Went to commercial instead.
One thing to keep in mind amongst all of this bluster: As it currently stands, nothing that Trump is doing in court has any chance of reversing the election. What I mean by this is that, if you look at the specific relief they are asking for in their complaints, and you give all of it to them, Trump still loses.
Jon Stewart said something similar re: Biden to Colbert last summer. The man understands grief, and that kind of grief humbles you, and makes you realize that no amount of power makes you a god. Trump absolutely does not have that gear in his brain. That’s what makes Biden the right President for 2020, even if it…
We’ll have plenty of time for navel gazing about what this, that or the other tidbit of information about the election means. We’ll have plenty of time to go after President Biden for his many failings, I’m sure. But today ... today I am just happy.
I haven’t gone out of my way to listen to a president/vice president speak in 4 years, and tonight I watched the whole thing from top to bottom. I can’t believe how much I enjoyed listening to them both speak, like really enjoyed it. I had forgotten what it feels like.
I am tempted to tape this in my cars rear window.