
Man, shit's getting downright Dickensian in corporate America this week.

This is like the Pretty Woman version of a figure-skating outfit.


Technically, you are right in that formula provides adequate nutrition. But it doesn't provide the antibodies, beneficial microbes, or leptin (a hormone that regulates energy balance and appetite sensations) that are all found in breast milk. So formula isn't as complete as breast milk, and I say this as someone

I saw the cover pic before reading the title and in that split second got all fired up about yet another example of hipster Redface. So glad to see I was wrong, & to see such gorgeous adornment in its proper context.

how the hell did his kid come by a bottle of HCl? That stuff is rightfully not available to the typical shopper.

thank you for posting that, I appreciate both the info & your candor.

the sad reality is that if (rightly) convicted, these two are going to be on the receiving end of some pretty horrific bullying in prison.

Me neither, I now only see a hippo.

aww, that's not fair. I love living in the south. Sandy Springs is a stepford-style craphole, though.

Republicans: taking on Big Government in the name of freedom and WAIT YOU WANT TO PUT WHAT WHERE?? WE NEED SOME MORE LAWS RIGHT NOW OMFG.

Now THAT is how you do a sleeve.

I take your point, but still think there's merit to calling out a dick move for what it is.

"Asians are polite but they're not THAT polite."

"That's Racism. It's so hot right now."

What the ever-loving fuck is happening in these photos? Did this lady get bitten by a Walker on her way to the airport or something?

This pic just made my day.

"UUUGGGGGGHHHHH, for shit's sake. No good deed goes unpunished, AMIRITE??"

"'Women process information differently than men,' [Republican ad maker Ashley] O'Connor says."