
As someone who supports legal gun ownership and carry permits, I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say FUCK THESE GUYS. I am so sick of these lunatic motherfuckers seizing the gun-ownership narrative in this country and making us all look bad.

Please tell me this guy is on an FBI watch list.

Nah, it's not you. That is a douchetastic tweet right there.

I was about to say the same thing, except co-cola. Who the hell says sody-pop??

NO THANK YOU, MS. WITHERSPOON. I want my simple syrup in there, else I will just drink my bourbon straight.

GAAAAAAAH, as soon as I saw this I had a sudden flashback to when I was a kid and my sister was a toddler, and how much I HATED that song!!! Damn, it's amazing the memories that just kick around for decades down in the depths of one's brain space and then pop up out of nowhere.

WOAH. The lab nerd in me is now considering where in my abode I can stash Mac & Cheese packets as part of a lifelong longitudinal experiment.

A fair statement.

I completely agree with your response; I also think that some white people try much harder than others to ignore and deny their privilege and the entitlement that stems from it, and it's worth distinguishing the former, because they're assholes.

I'm not inclined to view white people as a monolithic category any more than I'm inclined to view any other group as a monolithic category. Yeah, these assholes are probably predominantly white, but their shared characteristic is that they're assholes.

I'm not inclined to view white people as a monolithic category any more than I'm inclined to view any other group as a monolithic category. Yeah, these assholes are probably predominantly white, but their shared characteristic is that they're assholes.

I'm not inclined to view white people as a monolithic category any more than I'm inclined to view any other group as a monolithic category. Yeah, these assholes are probably predominantly white, but their shared characteristic is that they're assholes.

I wouldn't call the people who vote for him "white people." I'd call them "assholes."

Such a shocker that the asshole's dad was a school admin. Kudos for not giving up, that must have been a nightmare.

I think it depends on the goal of visiting and photographing the favelas. If it was to showcase "I'm so brave and hardcore, look where I am!" then it's douchey. If it's to try to educate oneself and others about the degree of poverty in a city that's hell-bent on an image makeover as part of hosting some huge

Wait, "blipster" is a word? That is fucked up. I'm so sorry you are subjected to such flaming douchebaggery.

Well, this makes total sense. I mean, the baby only matters while it's still in utero. THEN it's a citizen whose supposed rights trump its mother's and who gets a whole cabal of uptight douches obsessing over it in the legislature and on every major media outlet. Once the kid born, that's a whole different thing;

YES, I was about to write exactly this. Such a gross proportion of highly-paid admins & VPs of vacuous programs created primarily to create more layers of admins. Noam Chomsky has a searing piece circulating where he discusses how this is a big part of the corporateization of our higher ed system. The whole thing is

Good point, though her pose & shades were so awesome that I didn't even notice the print, to be honest.