
HAAAAHAHAHAHA yesss yesss, your tears, they give me strength....

And what makes you think that she didn’t do that and got laughed off or told that since she was a porn actress, she either was “asking for it” or “is not rape because it is her job to fuck people”?

Travolta Dog gets a pass.

After the cat that looks like Adam Driver, I honestly feel like this creature feature thing isn’t even trying.

Hey, now... Not all

This woman has a mental illness. That’s not something to mock, regardless of race, which is irrelevant here.


Did anyone see the portrait of Donald Trump painted in menstrual blood? It gives me feelings. Like on the one hand, HAHAHAHA, but on the other hand he doesn’t even deserve the attention.

And it’s also just not true!

woah woah woah we don’t need to drag down daniel craig


Sorry, but Ian Fleming is the only James Bond author I subscribe to, so fuck this guy. "Too street"? Idris Elba has the style and general suaveness to play a fantastic James Bond. Better than old ass Daniel Craig, looking all agro in all of his scenes.

Which is why when I hear people criticizing mothers for choosing “medicalized” births over “natural” ones “because women have been doing it for thousands of years” I reflexively respond “...and it killed many of them.” And no, making people wash their hands before helping deliver a child did not magically change that,

Childbirth is a scary, dangerous thing, and I don’t think people pay enough attention to that. Props be to KK for going there publicly.

Every time I read about complications from pregnancy and birth, I become a little terrified for the future, and realize why moms always talk about how hard it was giving birth to us, and what a miracle it is. It’s a miracle that you don’t die! And people mistake that for smugness, but really, I’d be happy as hell too

I know people like to hate on her, but that’s a really terrible thing to go through, and I hope she’ll be OK. I know she and Kanye talked about having a big family, so this must be extremely difficult for her.

I offered to make my husband a sandwich on the weekend, and he turned me down. What does that mean? Is he getting his sandwiches elsewhere? Is there an Ashley Madison for sandwiches?