
They say two-thousand-twelve didn't end the world like we wanted to;

You know who I bet stocks copies of this book? The public library.

"Did you know a lot of lesbians or transgenders there and magically as they graduated, they were no longer of said orientation?"

I appreciate your thoughtful candor, but think that the categories you're using (traditional sexual orientation as something to which one reverts, assimilated, genitals as the truest measure of sex, etc.) are too simplistic. There are a lot of peer-reviewed research studies demonstrating that binary categories of

Ugh, c'mon Smith. Climb down off the Bullshit Express and admit Wong if the academic content of her application is sufficiently good.

I consider Rollins to have done a good job playing a truly despicable character for that entire season, and in that nauseatingly horrible scene in particular.

I can't even.

Sweet mother of fuck, (1) thank you for posting this and (2) I am so sorry that you had to endure such hideousness.

Yeah, I guess it's kinda cute.

I believe Professor Dee has already commented on this.

Wow, that kid playing with Billy Joel just had the best school day ever.

I might need to try this. You know, for science.

They called you exotic. Which is just people talk for awesome.

That mental image just made my afternoon.


I prefer the term heretic.

Fuck, I thought she was better than this.

I just imagined him using his Bane voice and now I can't stop.

I wholeheartedly agree.