
I don't know how a Republican works...

No worries! I suppose I'm still thinking about the whole Oscar backlash that crude humor a la Seth MacFarlane and feminism can't mix; I do agree that it's important to have engaged discussions, just not those where there are claims on feminism.

Brillz. Well put!

So, I confess I'm not really invested in this feud in any way, but I do want to comment that the fantastic thing about being a feminist is that I don't need to toe the line with arbitrary behavior standards defined by other people (" is not really how you deal with it if you're a feminist......") in order to be a

Love love love love loooooove. Plus no stupid fur stoles! Want it all right now.

Hey, we went to the same high school!

Don't worry, you'll settle into this new space and place and make it your own, and you'll meet all sorts of good people. In the short term, any chance you can skype with your friends long-distance?

Oh fuckballs, that's terrible. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Sadly, I it's been my experience that there's no easy way around grief, it must be endured entirely on its own terms. Snuggle with her all weekend knowing that she's had a kickass life with you, and that as sudden as this is, it means she didn't go

Heck no it wouldn't be inappropriate. What it would be is awesome.

Congrats! you could always name the second one Cuy (pronounced 'kwee'), it's their name in Quechua, since they're native to Peru.

I'm a big fan of Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Vegetarian. He's really good on basics and techniques, while providing a lot of info on unconventional but available ingredients, and his recipes are pretty awesome.

Love this. SO MUCH.


I dunno, I find about half of his jokes on Family Guy to be satire against conservatives, sexists, homophobes, and racists. It's over the top humor that is often referencing people or stereotypes that take those things seriously. The other half of his jokes are usually reactionary, but mixed in with the satire I get

I wholeheartedly agree with amazon278; MacFarlane's an equal opportunity satirist, and his low-brow jokes are often really incisive attacks on people who take that kind of sexism, racism, anti-science-ism (totally a word, for reals), etc. He cracks me up and my feminism remains intact.

so excited So Excited SO EXCITED!!!!!

UNC, this is just gross. GROSS.

Ugh, who calls an adorable 9 year old child a name like that? Cunts, that's who.

High five, kiddo! Don't let the trolls get you down.

I think Patton Oswalt sums up the problem with modern rom-coms equally well:—trying-to-f—k