
Gwyneth Paltrow needs to thank her lucky stars every single day that she wasn't born in 18th century France, because a mob would've guillotined her ass the second they heard that Marie-Antoinette-meets-Eat-Pray-Love shit come spraying out of her mouth.

What Ah-nold Douchenegger wrote: "Feminism has achieved what it was set out to do, and now that women are considered equal, ‘feminists' want more. The movement is ruining modern relationships, and it's bringing about the downfall of men."

Ok, so I'm going to suspend my suspicions that you're just a big ol' troll, and say that I don't know what the christ you're even trying to argue with this point. I'm guessing it's that in order to be a feminist, one must first hate all of the men? I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that, if I

Bro, that's jut the Mac-from-It's-Always-Sunny Guide to Workin Out Like a Boss.

Ugh, UR DOIN IT RONG, girls.


I guess it depends on whether a girl pays any mind to color coding; my nieces would be having none of that, and have owned a variety of nerf toys over the years.

Um...every toy nerf makes is a toy for girls.

Ah, I was thinking more about Edith's open-ended weekly column gig from this current season, and Henry Rollins' hotness, but that works too.


Nope, all over the map. (besides, I'm way too out of shape to use a rickshaw.) But I do believe in informed consumerism.

Gods, it's like if Edith Crawley was a stone-cold fox.

Thanks for posting that. I remain concerned that most of these policies and practices are still in the planning stages, so they're ripe for greenwashing ( I hope that GS cookie fanatics like myself can keep the positive pressure

Psssh, Mango Creme is way too new to be on my radar. :P I consider my personality to be too complex for just one cookie. I prefer to maintain the kind of flexibility that entails eating them all. (sigh) BUT. As a former girl scout, I'm also vocal in hoping that girl scout cookies will change their recipes so that they don't include palm oils, since the


Nicely done. Suck a sickening turn of events.

(sigh) I think we're done here.

Agreed! And Clueless came out 18 years ago, which makes me feel insufferably old.

Jesus, he looks worse than that dude from Dateline NBC.