
Me too, he's one of my all-time favorites.

You're not a loser! Hubby and I always like to go to a crowded venue and people-watch when we're flying solo for NYE, since there's never any shortage of drunken lunacy among the revelers. Sometimes we construct backstories and invent dialog for the really interesting interactions, or incorporate a drinking game into

Saw it and loved it! That said, it's not for the faint of heart. The violence visited on slave characters is appalling (but not historically inaccurate), particularly in one scene about halfway through, and the N word is thrown around in almost every line. Of course, it's also a Tarantino movie. And the eye holes

Stop it, you're making me blush. ;)



Dear Charlotte Allen,

Thank you so much for standing tall and talking about your miscarriage. I'm so sorry that you're going through this, and I really truly hope that you heal from this (as much as is possible), and keep being so brave and open about it.

That you are awesome, that's what.

That is all.

That is so freaking perfect. Nicely done, hydrozoa!

These bitches are skid marks on the tighty whities of life, for reals.

This reminds me of the Game of Thrones discussion a while back about the amount of sex, nudity, and sexualized violence on the show & books, and I'm inclined to take the same position here that I did then: the world is full of evil, evil people who do terrible things. Portraying a world that is savagely brutal and're high, right?

This stunt makes me sick. I'll be donating to my local homeless shelter and hoping that people stop humiliating the most vulnerable among us.


Xanax. That is all.

"But it does indicate a larger problem with the wide gap between the 47% of the population of women 40 or above versus the 27% of these women portrayed on television."

Well, that just sealed the deal for me. Sign me up!

It is NEVER the time for that song.