
Book an appointment for me, too. I thought it was well done. As far as comic book movies go, it was very comic book-ish. Movies in the genre don’t all have to be bright and Mouse-ified. That has it’s place, and those guys do it EXTREMELY well. It’s just some folks like their cucumbers pickled.

Lando Calrissian IS Harvey Dent IS Billy Dee Williams. Simply the best. Simply. The. Best. Such a shame this has been shelved.

I figured since DC gets pooped on a lot, it was high time they did some pooping.... that and I like to make poop in MS paint.

While this arc started off sluggish, it really picked up in the last few issues. That last panel? I could feel the anguish in Alfred’s face. Truly dramatic and brutally sad.

I don’t know if the Rhea Perlman or “eat shit” reference is better, but I just nearly spit coffee all over my keyboard.

One of my favorite episodes of JLU. Conroy has pretty decent pipes!

Some of Maiden’s finest work. \m/

Don’t believe the hype. That being said, start with Endgame for the meat and potatoes. If you like it, I’d recommend working your way backwards. Especially the Court of Owls and Zero Year. An open mind is key here.

Hell has never looked so...beautiful? Most non-heinous. :D

Wow. What a great album, with so many great tracks. The female vocal on this one is pristine.

The Bucs are terrible but I root for them anyway, like the lovable doofuses they are. You are a man after my own heart. Welcome, good sir!

Sex and Cash Rules Everything Around Me - S.C.R.E.A.M - Get the money - dollar dollar bill y'all....

My favorite track on this album. Goes well with Pineapple Kush.

Mike Fahey: a permanent of resident of freakin' Awesomeville.

So long Owen. I wish you the best of luck and I can say, without a doubt, I've truly enjoyed your body of work for the brief time I've been a member here. You will, undoubtedly, be highly successful at Polygon! (which I've added to my favorites) BLESS, -Corbetron

Crap! I knew someone posted the intro video, but I missed it. Gotta go back and find your post so I can watch that sweet mother-glory of an intro!

Wow. I loved that show, and I never knew why until I got older and developed a serious love affair with automobiles. Great show!

You win the internet and all of Hollywood.

Fire up Netflix, and prepare to call your mom/dad nearly in tears. Great movie, yet it leaves you with a sickening feeling.