Corban Anderson

I don't know, this kind of sets a precedent for something I believe should make a comeback, the duel. All these gun nuts can settle their differences in the manner the founders would have.

Wait, London has sunshine?

You probably already have, for like the past 30+ years.

Look at the costumes, look at the flair, how can professional wrestling not be a magnet for a certain demographic of gay men? I know a few queens who would fit right into that world and love every second of it.

Nobody's noticed this one yet?

Can't, get, that, organist, out, of, my, head!

Nothing is more liberating than driving the car you enjoy no matter what that car is. If I became insane rich, I'd find a way to get back and drive the best car I ever owned, a 68 VW Beetle.

I honestly don't understand why people are upset over the prospect of shaving or keeping their body hair in check in some manner. Pretty much everyone goes to some length to manage the hair from the neck up and to me, the neck down is just part of the same process. People have been doing this since recorded history.

Old: Middle-aged moms going through hot flashes and divorces.

I see more butch lesbians driving those things then men of any sexual preference.

This is weird but I keep seeing a few Geo Metro's where I live. All I can figure about the drivers is that these are 45 year old guys who still live in Mom & Dad's basement and still play Magic The Gathering.

Maybe it had to do with the fact that Perry's parents are controlling co-dependent uber-religious conservative nutjobs? That tends to break up a relationship real quick.

Years ago I dated a girl who was a Vegan. It basically made me a Vegan too. I ended the relationship after a year and the diet was a huge part of it. I honestly could not take the diet anymore, it was driving me insane and making me physically sick.

I'm sick of Vegans who act like the world would be a better place if everyone chose to be Vegans just like them. That and "it's not hard". I don't care if people choose to be Vegan and yes, I tried it once. Lasted about six months until I couldn't take the diet anymore.

Here we see the fruits earned by an education from a Conservative religious school. I'll bet her sisters in the debate team at BYU are just so proud of her.

This article should read, "Ten Technologies the Auto Manufacturers Will Make Sure Never See the Light of Day". Seriously, my old 68 VW Beetle got better gas mileage than anything else I've ever owned.

This is sad but this actually happens. My girlfriend is a 911 dispatcher and has this hilarious call she took from someone complaining about how deer crossing signs need to be moved away from busy streets because the deer see them and think that's where they should cross. I know there is the famous one from the radio

I can't wait for the day when Country music is mainly seen as nothing more than ignorant redneck white-trash music. Oh wait, we're already arrived at that day.

Screw Disney. LucasArts has been effectively carrying the SW torch since the original movies, something even the prequels couldn't do. I can't tell you how many games I've enjoyed from LucasArts. If Disney had wanted SW fans to take them with any credibility over the continuation of SW, they just shot themselves in

So the first tip on being better at laundry is to not do laundry at all? Talk about White People Problems.