Cool yer heels, Mabel

Thank you, and everyone for your kind comments. Living through it and coming out on the other side when I was mired so deep and could see no way out has brought strength and clarity. Thank you to all the Jezzies who've unknowingly helped me along my daily journey. Years later, I'm making sure I'm better every day,

I created a burner account because this story is so mortifying. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship, then marriage for over 20 years. No matter how I toiled and sacrificed, nothing was ever good enough, including gifts. Circumstances conspired so that I ended up jobless before a Christmas some years ago,

My worst Christmas memory also includes my grandmother...the very last one she was alive for. My father and I drove through a blizzard to pick her up and bring her to our house as she had cried that she couldn't be alone on Christmas. We get back to our house and are opening presents. I hand her one and as she takes

How is there video? I don't get it.

Latino nannies.

This is a picture of Johns Hopkins. I DON'T EVEN.

Isn't Mark Twain the Mark Twain of American comedy?

Can we please talk about rapper Mase who lost 1.5 million of his 1.6 million followers!!!


Beyond the moral and ethical issues raised here, is anyone else creeped out by the idea that a woman is being kept artificially alive in order to function as an incubator? It's uncomfortably science-fiction-y.

In typical Korean efficiency, they double as rice bowls.

We should change the state's name to Floriderp.

Damn, I thought this was gonna be "panhellenic will reverse that whole sororities have to be dry" bs, which, sure, would still be in a world of privilege but would at least allow parties to happen in female-controlled spaces rather than exclusively male-controlled spaces and thus be a positive step in terms of campus

Contracts aren't a freshly mopped floor or a delicious sandwich, so I'm confused.

I love how whenever crazy conservatives in government have a choice between wasting time trying to fuck over women and minorities and actually governing, they choose fucking over women and minorities every time. At least they're dependable.

Did the woman provide written consent for the man to ejaculate in the first place?

I don't know what to do with good white people.

According to the mom, Trebek didn't ever console the girl backstage. "If he had taken the time, he would have known, like you do, that my daughter is not a sore loser, and does not become emotional solely over losing a game," the woman wrote. "She was upset about not being able to completely play the game to the end."

This feels like a chopper-mom/stage-mom kind of thing. I am so sick of people with their