Cool yer heels, Mabel

Wait, is that a new rationalization for why christians can put up pagan decor?

Um, that's a new one on me. As I understand it, it was a pagan thing that got co-opted by Christianity.

Fake. This level of attitude doesn't arrive until all the baby teeth are gone.

I will burn this bitch down if another Bush gets elected. Jesus Christ on a cracker.

I feel like you guys are afraid to criticize her more "problematic" aspects because she's a "POC," and just give her a pass, where others are taken to task. It's a little patronizing in itself.

Yeah, I want to love her but her odes to drug dealers who can "buy me Balmain", general air of self-conscious shit-stirring (pseudo-Nazi imagery, really?) , and total reliance on sexuality (you've seen her calendar, right?) make me less than impressed. She's no diva in my books. Boss, sure. Disposable, totally.

it looks like a dildo, for one, and is a perfect match to a the crystal-pink shade of fun 2008 party booze Nuvo and also douches. The mic is a hyper-feminine symbol that signifies autonomy, joy, self-satisfaction, while also being the literal vessel of her voice.

You are truly the Lester Bangs of boring, hackey rappers.

No. It's somebody desperately trying to find meaning in yet another rap album that has very little to say.


it would be nice to have a female rapper in the limelight who isn't all about her sexuality and isn't offering her ass on a platter for male desire. Nicki presents herself and her dancers and sexual objects. She is the furthest thing from a feminist. Ugh.

It is the portrait of a man I do not know.

There is only 1 Cruze in that photo...

But in the cab company's defense, they are claiming Alexis had worn a lot of make up which made her look older, which is clearly a steaming crock of shit.

If only journalists put as much effort attempting to prove somebody was raped as they have, here, trying to prove somebody wasn't.

To give context to my response...I'm on the Autism Spectrum—PDD NOS and I spent two years at an inpatient pediatric treatment facility for emotionally disturbed children when I was a child. I'm now the CFO of a high-tech company. Another friend of mine has Aspergers, and is a highly trained physicist and a mother of

Ok, first of all, I would like to repeat, once again, that this is not a black and white issue. It is nuanced and I was simply posing the question of consent.

First of all, it's "HIPAA."

When she was under an involuntary hold she definitely did not have the capacity to consent. That's the whole point of being held against your will - you have been found to be incompetent to make medical descisions for yourself. Being interviewed for this article isn't a medical decision so I guess technically she can