Cool yer heels, Mabel

Can we talk about the HAIR??? Da fuq?

"It gets better.... with Aeropostale"

Yeah, but the thing is that it's not just people who are on the hashtag. It's people like me who don't do twitter, who talk to their friends about an article they read, who post in other forums about a discussion they just saw, who start the conversations that need to be had in order for the powers that be be to get

I think this is it exactly. A lot of white people have never heard of "white privilege" and don't recognize it for what it is. I distinctly remember my first experience with someone pointing it out to me (Driving in Philly, rough neighborhood with bad registration, no license and a black friend in the passenger seat.

It helps because it forces white people to acknowledge their privilege in a public forum, perhaps leading to other white folks who never thought about their own privilege to realize that white privilege is real. You know, helping put the fire out at the source and all that.

A Snuggie


It's already named after a wine.

If Pantone says it's Marsala and not maroon, then it's fucking Marsala. They MAKE THE COLORS! They ARE the colors. Everyone else just copies their colors!

Marsala, as in Marsala wine, which is used to make chicken Marsala. Seems like a fine name to me.

Rory? Is that you?

Yeah, the midwife thing sounds cool but CAN THEY GIVE ME THE DRUGS??!!!

So... black friends are like accessories?

The only thing this ad says to me is that the jeans are so uncomfortable that women will take them off anywhere, under any circumstance just as long as they are off.

Fair point. I forgot that I was lucky enough to be able to stay home for the first few years. Although, if I were juggling a job and a baby, I don't know that I would even have time for old friends, let alone new ones.

I dunno, I haven't found it very hard. When you have littles, join a mom's group or playgroup or library reading time with tots. That way, you can get a feel for other moms interests and personalities, have some conversation and suss out if there is a potential match and if they and their little should be invited on a

As a Temple alumna, I've always been embarrassed by his association with the university. He went there for like a year; he is barely an alumnus!

This is the level of professionalism of which I speak. If you don't get it, I can't help you.

You must be new here. The level of professionalism displayed by *some* of the Jez staff is quite horrid.

No, no—- RAYven, like Ray. Like the Pinkett-Smiths, so completely self-absorbed.