The reasons people leave Hoonigan, and Donut are exactly the reason people leave Jalopnik and G/O.
The reasons people leave Hoonigan, and Donut are exactly the reason people leave Jalopnik and G/O.
Imagine even knowing 8 people in the first place
He was far from the first to successfully land an unpowered airliner. Actually, he didn’t do THAT great a job, as the airplane was a writeoff. Google the “Gimli Glider” for an even better story.
LMAOOOOO OK I’m with you there. Have a star!
Yea you’d think they say Yes, “I am an American citizen!” with pride and conviction while getting the reach around by Uncle Sam, but I guess not.
I’m surprised that water-based motors are measured in horsepower, as they’re just average swimmers and probably couldn’t pull very much while paddling around.
Deadspin was sold to a gambling site.
The current IRS rate is .67/mile, so even better.
The Root has a slideshow (&@^$ slideshows!) today on which black actor should play James Bond.
Meanwhile, 2 days ago at the Broccoli residence............
For 90% of the Lexus, I could only buy one if I could reliably park it so I’d never be able to see the front end when I approach it. Those grills are just so damn ugly. Revolting and nausea-inducing. What the hell are they thinkgin?
And there were/are still issues doing it that way.
I’d be O’Leary of his advice.
You mean it’s not like a magic spell?
Or the loser of a Top Gear Challenge.
And also is accompanied by a dramatic music pause so you can hear the sound of the engine revving because the driver has the accelerator pressed to the floor.