He is so fake. Always with the we’ll do better next time crap. You cannot keep launching unfinished games and have a fix it later approach.
He is so fake. Always with the we’ll do better next time crap. You cannot keep launching unfinished games and have a fix it later approach.
Ive never seen a publisher blow all the goodwill in a single year the way Bethesda did the moment FO76 launched. And then Wolfenstein Young Blood. They built up so much negativity so quickly. Fallout 4 wasn't a great Bethesda game but it was fun.
TBF Monster Hunter World looked pretty but ran like dog shit.
Both Infamous games made the powers look so beautiful. Neon travel was an absolute stunner.
I just ignore these idiots. They want AAA quality, they want to pretend inflation is not a thing, they want the games to be long but they do not want to pay the money.
I will keep saying this but you knew Arkane were fucked when their last game was the absolute rubbish called Deathloop. Look I get it, critics love them because of oomph and whatever but that game was just bad.
I second this. Fuck em. Also generally pirate games if you are unsure about them and if you like it then buy it or buy merch or something to support the devs.
I mean nobody could predict china would essentially shut manufacturing for nearly two years because of an unprecedented international pandemic.
It looked next gen no doubt. But it definitely felt like a PS3 game with some ps5 bells and whistles.
They deserve it for all the Master Race nazi bullshit they keep spewing.
Two things:
An amazing sequence from an amazing game. I don't buy statues and figured though.
I have a feeling it may tease the Spider-verse. There were rumors about it. But there have been a billion rumors about the games plot.
I think so far only Returnal and Burning Shores have felt next gen. Ratchet and Clank looks beautiful but it feels like they used it to test the waters of the technology for SM2.
Watch the 2003 version. The episode with the tattoos. That was hot.
As per ACG every version has pretty bad performance problems but PC is the worst offender.
So natural to own the biggest cloud tech, the major OS that will be allowing these games to be played. Microsoft should've been broken in the 90s but they were allowed to get stupidly big.
I feel they're planning to close those loopholes also I see a price increase after ABK. They'll need to recoup that money.
He has a mac book and in asia there is almost no space in apartments for a decent gaming rig.