
Last month I had a white hominy soup at a restaurant called El Centro here in New York City and I’m scouring the internet trying to find the recipe to recreate it at home this fall and winter.

Ladies you don’t understand him, he didn’t have a male role-model. He’s only trying to be a good feminist. Grrrrrr get da fuck outta here with that trite faux-feminism. He’s only a feminist until a woman hurts his little man feelings.

Oh wow thanks for that. It looks really cool.

I’ve been waiting so long for a game where you play as an animal. Shelter did the animal thing, but I would prefer a fast animal like a deer or hawk. And I would want it to be open-world so we could just roam around if we wanted. The main game could be a survival game of sorts so hunt, sleep, make/find shelter, and

I didn’t get offended in any way. Or did I angrily ramble like a Tumblr “feminist”? Pointing something out as mean or problematic does not entail being offended. And yeah it’s a just a term, no use in getting angry about what fans call things.

It may be an affectionate term, but it’s still a bit problamatic. It’s the weekend and I’m tired so have a good one.

Because it creates imagery of those characters being malicous. Because ‘trap’ is how you describe something that brings you harm. And because the same terminology is used by people who assault transgender people.

Oh jeez that’s a really mean term. Thanks for clearing that up though :)

I keep seeing trap being used on anime boards. What does it mean?

Motherfuuuuk it’s the same guy I’m talking about, Daniel Vavra! Yeah he’s a complete idiot, but damn does Kingdom Come look great. Too bad such a fucking twat is leading it. Here’s the article. Oh and he now leads an indie game dev so he’s got no ties with Mafia 3.

Care to share a link to that? If they’re as bad as the Kingdom Come Deliverance guy then I’ll have reconsider supporting them as well.

Awww jeez thanks man. It has been my pleasure helping you get your first game modded. You’ll be ready to mod Fallout 4 by the time it drops :)

Congrats! That looks like a good start for your intro to modding. Soon you’ll have around 100 mods lol

To unistall and redownload Steam games, just click Delete Local Content for that game from inside Steam. You then just click Install and the download will run again. No other steps required.

Ok then the Switch View button should just show you all the mods alphabetically. The pic you sent seems to not show that button. Try resizing the window.

Oh scroll down and check if there are any little numbers by any of the categories.

Did the downloads show up in NMMs Download Manager or did you manually download them?

That’s a good starting load order. I recommend User Interface Organizer to make all those HUD mods play nice together. Install it last.

One more thing, get NVAC. It is an amazing bug fixing mod.

Now playing

I’m still grey, wtf? Thanks either way. I’ll get out some day, hopefully!