Wow I have not used NMM in ages. To uncheck the mods you have to unistall them. NMM does not have an easy way to disable mods that don’t use esps/esms.
Wow I have not used NMM in ages. To uncheck the mods you have to unistall them. NMM does not have an easy way to disable mods that don’t use esps/esms.
New Vegas does not like having their Game Install Folder in any place besides wherever you installed Steam to (meaning it wants to be in the default Steam Library, located in the Steam Install folder). If you try and install it somewhere else, it likes to crash.
Badprenup is trying to say that you should install games outside of Program Files x86. Steam lets you do this easily. Here’s a screenshot.
I did the same when I got my first PC. It was just like Christmas lol
I recommend this guy’s videos for a good intro to modding. And hit me up if you come across any roadblocks :)
Yeah, why do people even try to be thoughtful of how others feel? Empathy, fuck that noise!
We can debate whether Anita has any substantial influence on the industry, but to disregard her critiques as not factual is just decitful. When Anita states that women are disporportaniatly depicted in sexy ways, she is correct. When she states this is bad, I think she is wrong.
I don’t agree with the bulk of Anita’s arguments, but I’m always perplexed why these GamerGate people freak out whenever Anita critiques the industry. It’s a critique not a fucking court order, damn!
The article is titled ‘My E3 Meeting With A Pro-GamerGate Developer’
Thank you so much for saving me from the dreadful greys! Anyways, I foolishly googled ‘sweatermeat’ at work. Close call O___0
The FOV seems to change when using the grapple so thats why
Sweatermeat? You mean boobs right?
I just sent in my refund request for a $5 Wallet credit that’s been just sitting there ever since the Skyrim paid mod fiasco. No I did not like paid mods, but I simply wanted to see if any of the offerings were worth my money. I bought Wet and Cold and the very next day I had my five bucks back in my account. And it’s…
I used to think the same thing man. I would always argue with my female friends about how makeup/sexy clothes were actually repressive until I started reading Jez. Jez changed my entire outlook on what it meant to be a male ally. Jez helped me come to the realization that feminism was not about destroying all things…
I personally think this game is shit, but Twitch is also being overzealous in their reaction.
Oh god she refused the drink! I died over here, fucking died!
Oh no you poor soul! I had a roomie like that, but thankfully he was an anti-establishment, pothead, conservative so no TV news for him. Odd combo huh?
Delirium, you have liberated me from my “Fair and Balanced” prison! And here I was thinking they were the voice of reason all my life lol
I do like them, but Fox told me to turn in my man-card. My balls are just the next thing on the list of orders