
Fuck I hate these fans... They are just the worst

It has been 9 years since I deployed to Iraq. I spent 15 months there doing convoy recovery. Since I got back I’ve dealt with at times crippling PTSD, and about three years ago my therapist recommended I try playing a more realistic war game, as it apparently helps many people (though honestly I don’t know how). At

It’s because they ordered a Larg-e-soda, and got a Minn-e-soda!!!

Yes. 10 First Nations MPs in total.

Oh yes, the Kotaku employees are great, as are many of the employees who work for most gaming sites (like Polygon for instance). It’s the rabid, non-ironic-social-justice-warrior-as-an-insult-using, gamergate/sad puppy sympathizing, readership that stinks up the place.

And who might these “normal” employees be?

I have never heard of G.L.O.S.S. before today, but I can say that they are so perfectly, adorably Olympia that I can’t help but love them already.

Naw, you’re cool. It can be hard to guage tone from just text sometimes.

The only, ‘ONLY’ reason I would consider it is because it is easily reversible. If the individual decided he wanted kids the very next day after, he can do that.

You are familiar with the concept of bodily autonomy, and the US’s history with forced sterilization of minorities right?

What a way to ruin a kendrick lamar track you mean...

She could have military training. We are taught to keep finger straight and off the trigger until ready to fire. Unless you not talking about the hottie with bottom biscuits with the black handgun...

in their defense, who even knows what hillary’s positions are, lol

I say she robbed the grave.

Had to take a deep breath through my skin before reading this article.

Yeah, it’s too bad that there’s no group of watchdog gamers who actually care about this stuff and aren’t just using it as a flimsy shield to campaign against Social Justice Warriors.

This is what I expected discussion of when “ethics in games journalism” first came up. There are a number of very odd practices within the industry that make little sense, especially with regards to how the press is allowed to interact with developers and producers.

Oh good! A wonderful film, made even better by the fact it upsets MRA’s and gamergaters.

Popular opinion: Burritos are awesome, Chipotle sucks