
Embedded vids from Kotaku never appear in my history. It works everywhere except here.

This works in Firefox and Opera as well.

Whenever I see your avatar, I know that I’m about to read some contrarian bullshit. Move along everyone, klmekaro always has something stupid to say.

Um when does Naruto take place again?

If you live your life with that outlook then you’ll never meet decent people. Maybe try working on that?

Yeah, fuck being a decent person!

h3h3 ehh?

Yeah exactly, Americans have no real idea what revolutions entail. The American Revolution happened so long ago that I seriously doubt anyone has any real emotional/personal ties to it. The creator of this was alive during the 1970 revolution and had to flee with his family. How many Americans have there been within

This program is great for playing your PS4 on your PC. It also gets constant updates.

Speaking of changes, why do you guys keep changing the layout. This font looks bad on bigger screens.

10 First Nations MPs! That has no chance of remotely happening in the good ol’ USA :(

I think he was refering to the “intended for mature audiances” warning, but you’re right about the channel descriptions.

Yeah I guessed it was only a half serious idea. Guess I just felt like starting an internet fight haha. Sorry if I sounded combative.

I am fully aware of how Vasalgel works. I just found the idea of injecting every boy once they hit a certaing age a bit unsettling. I’m not comftorbable with this hypothetical world where the government temporarily sterilizes people. Too much room for disaster and abuse.

How would sterilizing boys be any better? You are are still forcing contraceptives on people without their request.

Chill man it’s a cosplay shoot. Not everyone was raised with guns or has recieved firearm training. Now if police officers posed like this then we would have a problem.

This actually plays the gif. That command does not.