Cool Beans dude

It’d be like lord of the rings, except because you have bernie instead of gandalf,no actual progress is ever made and the rings falls back in to Sauron’s hand. It’d be a little on the nose since this is essentially the story of the modern democratic party.

Another person holding 30yr old legislation against politicians who’ve demonstrated over and over and over and over that they’ve evolved in to much better civil servants.

Bernie lost an election to Hillary Fucking Clinton.  But sure “popularity”. 

Go back to your Sanders/AOC fantasy novels. 

Magistrate (wearing black robe): “where are your taxes, young man?” 

So he’s kinda like AOC, but with a little bit more substance?

Oh yeah - agreed. Anyone voting for Trump FOR ANY REASON was either a moron or a piece of shit.

ehh. i dunno. i think a lot of people that voted trump or sat out the election would have voted for her if she wasn’t tarnished by a (albeit decades long) smear campaign.

imagine if it was 100% though. we cant expect that bad people to not do bad things. we can expect the over-thinkers and hand-wringers to get out of their own way. there were a dozen little things that if any single one of them went the other way, HRC would have won. so any thing that may have a cumulative negative

i dunno. i think having a deluge of these types of pieces, day after day for months can have a subtle, but cumulative marginal effect significant enough to have an impact.

This is disingenuous. Do not pretend as if the political content of splinter, deadspin, jezebel, gawker, etc are completely separate spheres. and do not pretend like the commentary is basically “everyone and everything is shit (particularly competing sites) and while we pretend to be no-bullshit truth tellers, people

bad polls are shit. you are citing a bad poll.  thanks anyway.

What is it with the far left that they don’t want the candidates mostly likely to win and carry forward the left’s agenda?  Am i missing something or is your piousness and zeal blinding you to some pretty simple, fundamental dynamics?

Can you provide a source reference for the table you posted?

I mean - are you trying to make the case that North Korea is a real threat to the US and our allies such as S. Korea? If so, no, they aren’t. Perhaps they could be come that, some day. But it is unlikely because their threats are currently empty outside of small scale damage to S. Korea. Which, again, won’t happen on

If you think this continent is bad, you should see how Europe, Asia and South America are. 

not really.  they have pity and know N Korea has no interest in destroying South Korea.  It would the epitome of cutting off one’s nose to spite their face.  it’d be like cutting off your face to spite your face. S koreans know this.  they are more upset with the very small scale, granualr issues. border skirmishes,

Who are the people creating these videos? How are they being found?

Fuck off you entitled piece of shit. you’re a fucking Stalinist if you think this is ok.  your ends do not justify the means. 

Best part is Giannis taking it from Embiid