I like this - but would reverse 4) and 5), because googling the clue is essentially revealing the full answer, right?
I like this - but would reverse 4) and 5), because googling the clue is essentially revealing the full answer, right?
Wait - aren’t Sundays supposed to be the hardest NYT cross-word puzzles?
Sure - because Marc Maron isn’t a creep or anything
“I knew that because of what happened to you last year, you’d be too afraid to say anything.”
Chris Pratt’s “aw shucks, I’m a rascally moron” shtick has always been lame. I’m glad I now have a reason to actively dislike him and an excuse to be open about it.
They’re fucking amateurs. Never forget that this administration is made up of people that only know how to influence the news cycle, and know nothing about actual workings of government, best practices for running a legitimate business or anything else of use.
The suggestion was to listen to the other lawmakers with whom she has to negotiate policy, not that “she doesn’t know anything about Palestine”. You know, she can do both - participate in diplomatic trips to Israel AND take diplomatic and policy actions to support Palestinians. And its not really a bad idea to listen…
white men. amiright? they are all garbage - each and every one of them. and i will stick to this principle no matter if i have to cut my nose of to spite my face and allow another trump presidency by electing someone that stirs up the far left base but entices none of the centrist/independents necessary to win a…
This is some echo-chamber bullshit writing.
this is the best Gif and ever relevant these days
why is there a picture of Pittsburgh at the top here? did i read this article too fast to see the connection?
Really doesnt sound like “gay” given the context clues. Also, even if he did, he made an effort to both clarify, apologize and support the queer community. So.... slow news day?
Glad she was able to defend herself.
mea culpa if i might have mis-read your post.
I’m not with you, bro. BLM points to the facts that black people die at higher rates at the hands of police (on a per arrest basis), are punished more severely more the same crimes committed by whites, and generally at other residual effects of institutional racism that either exists still or existed recently enough…
“Like many people....kim porter was under doctor’s care and still died”.
oh wow “The pod boys took this about as well as could be expected. Favreau, who responded to comments on his tweet about Schumer’s involvement, suddenly logged off and had nothing to say when the good people highlighted the sections featuring Miller”
the only thing that sucks about Zio is that he brings Duke fans joy
Green’s been overrated the entire time at the Warriors. He’s very good - but he’s also comes with a lot of down-side. (Unecessary techs, etc one that probably cost the Ws a championship in all honesty). He’s not Mario Chalmers, and he’s not JR SMith but he’s a lot closer to JR Smith than i think he realizes he is.
Love javale’s excitement, especially coming from the dude who’s role Chandler is taking or at least supplementing.