Cool Beans dude

Curry - its not even close.  Curry, Klay are probably 1 & 2 all time.  Previous generations just played a different game.  

Now that he’s kinny. he looks like a jewish version of the Syracuse Orangeman.

no it doesnt. 1) they were wounded, not killed, and others like EMT were injured as well. We should celebrate them, then, in proportion. Not by having them at center ice. Give them tickets to the game in Lemieux’s box or something. not this. 2) the blue flag has nothing to do with honoring the officers injured. it is

Interesting, the most white sport of all sports misunderstands the implications of the “blue lives” movement.

So that means people are arguing they don’t deserve to live? we know its hard to be trans. but whats your point?

How does this sync with the Shuri of Coates run?  I’m having a hard time picturing how to reconcile the very bad-ass Shuri in the comic run with the very charming, but not quite as supernaturally bad-ass Shuri from the movie.  

ok - leaving the original comment and apologizing for it. chalk it up to bad mood or whatever, but it was a lot more nasty than was warranted.

you are a fucking child compared to Obama.and you are a fucking child for trying to make this a “sexist” thing.   fuck off with your false victim-hood -and also fuck off with your idiotic, useless article.

Laura Wagner: “Bad Kitty”

Thomas is as bad as anyone on the court. Roberts would be the only hope of a swing vote. Alito mayyyybe. but he hates liberals so bad he’d likely sell the country out to own them

You dont know much about thomas, do you? Probably the most craven dude on the bench right now.

doubt it was booze - booze likely didn’t help, but it sounds like Crohn’s disease. which, leads many to drink and/or self-medicate because it is a really painful and challenging disease to live with. 

This article is a very good example of why everyone but the ~15% of the population who passes your purity tests finds the far left completely fucking insufferable.  

False - 100% false. Demonstrably false.

acknowledging that the investment class is a necessary and unavoidable part of the economy that you should talk to rather than just yell at/about is “Wall street coddling”. 

always a loser, except for the two presidential terms won and the one popular vote one.

Pirates fan here *sad trombone*.

We’re gawking at a man struggling with mental illness and asking him questions about public policy and politics. not a good look.

In most cities it means going back to a time when they basically would never be available and they’d use their monopoly power to drive up prices and exclude hundreds of people from an income they otherwise would not have.

Thanks for the condescending post. But none of us thought that being taken off GOTG 3 meant he was going to be stripped of all wealth and thrown in a ditch. That’s not the fucking issue.