Cool Beans dude

Wait, if Luigi is Luigi Mario, does than mean Mario is Mario Mario? 

Question(s): Are there any likable UFC dudes? is there any sport that has less likable sportsmen/women?

Why are the Chicago Dogs so fun to watch? They play with relish.

Hey, careful there - Craig Sager was a treasure. He was also a legit, if .... precocious(?) reporter. He was the guy in the scrum when Aaron hit his record breaking homerun. This is him (white coat) before his zany outfit days. Just like Fieri, he has some legit chops and was am exceedingly decent guy who added some

1) I’m pointing out the statement because she uses it as an example of abuse, which means here standard of abuse is very low and arguably unfair. Which gives me pause on the rest of her claims.

“Dont drink around me, I’m a recovering alcoholic” = “deeply disturbing abuse


these kids and their parents and the refs are garbage. everyone involved in the actual melee.  anyone could have walked away.  coaches were the only ones trying to contain this.  don’t you dare shift the blame.

Are you really putting this on the “adults”?  

you’re trying so hard to dodge any responsibility.

you call it hypocracy, but you use it as an excuse not to hold people accountable. Also, how do you know who is and isnt disowning Waters comments? i hear lots doing exactly that - but with ppl like you all i hear are equivocations and rationalizations for the rhetoric of the leader of the right.

so you just spend all day online posting “what-about-isms”

The only hope is a rogue republican senator refusing to vote or somehow gumming up the works. Its almost like, maybe we DO actually have to try to find common ground with moderates from the other party.


Agreed - so this is article should be retitled “This is how we win in NY, but not necessarily how we win elsewhere or how we will win the presidency”

Fine with democratic socialists winning in extremely liberal areas, and actually like it - get more libral in places where we can afford to.

The motto of the bernie influenced new democrats “I’d rather accomplish nothing”.  great. 

are you being sarcastic/ironic or do you literally have a take on dog_rates other than “oh, its a source for cute dog pics with occasionally funny captions”?

People are calling Wilder racist though. I can copy and paste them.

Doing this isn’t why trump is president. But everyone replying to you saying Wilder was a racist IS a reason why trump was elected.