Cool Beans dude

to be even clearer, the language they used for why they did this implied that Wilder was a racist and conflated the historical racists she portrayed (accurately-ish) with Wilder.  lets not pretend there is some nuance here that we are glossing over.  

you are confusing a writer portraying historical racists with the author herself being racist.  rexmanning was a little over the top, but to say Wilder advocated genocide is monumentally stupid. 

I’m struggling to understand where we are placing the line between when an author’s works (and therefore the author his/herself) is/are racist versus when they are presenting a realistic portrait of people, particularly in historical fiction.

take them with a grain of salt. like most nationalistic conflicts, both sides tend to have blood on their hands. keep in mind who had the power (Serbs) and who didn’t (Albanians) though and you will get an idea of the different shadings here.

just pick up the “World of Wakanda” where it left off.  

Baby jesus?  Yes.   Grown-up Jesus though? Nope, he would have plowed right through that socialist jew.  

All the MAGA morons are complaining that people are saying McHale should lose his job because of this.  But.... I’ve seen not a single person call for him to lose his job, and i run in some pretty liberal and reactionary circles.  Are they just making up reasons to be mad? .

Yeah, Mos had 2 superb solo albums, a few that only have a couple good songs, but he also Black Star and some of the best guest tracks on other albums all over the place.

can’t argue with a lot of it. Dunno who’d i’d say should be switched out of a top ten list but these prob need accounted for:

now i need to know your top 10 discographies list

thats one, of quite a few parts, of this that give me pause. telling her not to drink in front of him is a perfectly fine thing for a recovering alcoholic to ask of his girlfriend. there are some troubling aspects otherwise, but the tone of her writing (so coy, but why?) and a lot of these “um, that’s not abuse Chloe”

Weird tone to this. Like obviously she knows that everyone knows who she is talking about, and knows the consequences of coming out with this story. Why play coy? Is it sarcasm that I’m not reading?

yeah, so weird that potential candidates would want to meet with the former president. and weirder still that the former president is still interest in the fortunes of his political party.

Again, let’s stop the “women version of existing property” thing, and just give women new original content to lead. right? no more of this? its patronizing,and inherently derivative, isn’t it?

This a super weak criticism. Youd have to hate about 9 of 10 of the best players of all-time and all the 10 active best players. They all do this - they all try / tried to find advantages. If this is your criticism, then the only player worthy of accolades is Russell Westbrook this year - Harden is the WORST at this.

... against arguably the greatest player of all time....

Hurt himself shimmying.

Not a Warriors fan - Its not that far off of a comparison. (also, nice strawman argument)

“The racism thing”

Yeah, that’s not at all what’s happening. You’re basically hearing the reverberation of one thing one person said, but in an echo-chamber, so to you it sounds like its “constantly” happening. Social media in 2018, i guess.