you’re article takes a position then does absolutely nothing to support it with evidence or argument. this site has gone to shit.
you’re article takes a position then does absolutely nothing to support it with evidence or argument. this site has gone to shit.
not by the last debate, not much closer than HRC and Bernie were by their last debate. i think Biden is actually further ahead now than either Obama or HRC were at similar points. I guess Bernie gave Biden a cheat sheet ahead of this last debate. which is cool. Biden then adopted a few conciliatory but major platform…
thats right, play to your twitter base of 20 somethings that don’t vote, so that you can create some content that may be used to suppress general election votes for biden. great move - exactly what we need.
yeah - but he’s a humorist, not a movie critic. Movies are just a theme around which he can write some silly things
Frances Ha was fine, but 8th best movie of the decade? Are you fucking kidding me. It’s trifle about self-absorbed east coast white ppl. I guess this who pop culture writers are - people who think their incredibly low-stake bullshit matters. But still, have some self-awareness. This movie is could disappear and no one…
thats better. Vision was so damn good. I’d add Mr Miracle, Saga and Monstress. Though the latter two are not yet complete.
How do you leave out Vision? Mr Miracle? Saga? Monstress?
Great point - yeah it was kind of the starting point for that Superman trend, which basically deprived us of good superman stories (outside of the movies, i guess) for like 25yrs. AI mean, its fine as an offhand take on Superman. but like, Red Son Superman is a far superior “what if” for him and it is basically…
100% - i just made a smart ass comment elsewhere about how overrated Dark Knight Returns is. The reason, genuinely, is that it’s based on ham-fisted, outdated and a proto-alt-right-dumb ideology. It assumes therapy is for pussies (rather than it actually just being something that doesn’t give you immediate black and…
I’d just like to say Miller’s Dark Knight Returns is the most overrated, outdated comic.
then you’re an asshole
You need to be clearer that ANY Democratic candidate that receives the nomination should be supported. Not just Bernie or Warren, neither of whom are likely to get the nomination at this point.
not that it’s worse than saying racist shit, but this guy isn’t even funny. like he didn’t cross a line trying something interesting and witty. it was just dumb.
I wonder if someone has the wherewithal to compare what is reported here versus what Trump is reporting. I’m certain there will be a discrepancy.
UFC is for donkeys and fuck meathead involved in this incident
right, face tattoos just make someone interesting
God forbid people who disagree with each other politically have discussions about their differences.
So basically Deadspin / concourse’s position: straight white guys are not qualified to be president. At this point Obama wouldn’t be qualified because he’s part white.
Dietrich acted like a dick - which is fine. But makes him a dick.