Have a five second conversation with the “Biden and Trump are both the same, neither are getting my vote!” folks form the Bernie camp; the nuttiness does not discriminate.
Have a five second conversation with the “Biden and Trump are both the same, neither are getting my vote!” folks form the Bernie camp; the nuttiness does not discriminate.
“And, while it is spread by droplet, there are also people getting it who should not have been getting it if that were the only way it spreads.”
I’m surprised that Chris Ware’s Building Stories didn’t make the list, or indeed Rusty Brown (Acme Novelty Library #20 alone surely is worth a mention).
Right. None of its philosophy is terribly clever or insightful, and much of it is straight-up toxic. And turning Superman into a goose-stepping strawman began an unforgivable trend of DC properties being ashamed of their most idealistic and unabashedly heroic character.
“ ... the asylum is renamed the Arkham Home For The Emotionally Troubled, and Miller uses it to dig into the psychology of the Joker, to show how well-meaning support can end up contributing to the very criminality it’s trying to diminish.”
This is a very generous interpretation of Miller’s writing.
“It’s a…
And if it HAS to be a specific song, couldn’t it be “Just A Gigolo?”
Ben, my tiny, tiny dude. “Just behind Brandon Jennings, and ahead of Jared Dudley” isn’t doing the work you think it’s doing.
If he had ended up on teh cowboys and Emmitt was on the lions Barry would have had 25k yards rushing and emmitt would have been a night manager at a bowling alley after 3 years in the league.
I guarantee Bumgarner has said “so much for the tolerant Left!” at least once in the past three years.
I was just thinking that; think about the doctors who went there and came up with that sedation plan, and the people who performed the rescue, and all the support staff and then Musk had to go and make it all about himself. What a worthless piece of shit.
Remember when Elon Musk needlessly inserted himself into this affair by offering to design and build a useless airtight coffin and then followed it up by baselessly accusing one of the lead divers of being a pedophile? Good times.
I’m no fan of Pelosi, but could we please stop it with this conspiracist nonsense? Centrist neolibs love to see this kind of paranoid thinking on the left because it lets them present their naive and idealistic worldview as serious by comparison.
Go back to pretending that Sanders' only function isn't to get Republicans elected.
*Giannis looks at artwork*
this is amazing. It’s amazing.