Cookie Monster Kimono

Now I’m dissapointed that it’s not :(

I can’t even run wearing glasses. How in the world?!

Oh God we have the same “gift”. I’m so sorry...

Yes, how dare they not pick the right time and place to try and bring awareness to injustice that millions of people face every day. Damn them!!!!!!

Hard to describe but I find potato salad here to taste less... mayoish(?) than on average in the states and more potatoish(?)

Can’t wait to check this out this weekend. Never been to any show/convention like this before. Any tips for a first timer?

One thing I’ve learned from living in Japan... 99% of all the bad food I’ve had here was themed foods. Stay away from themed foods and you’ll be in good shape even if you just stuck to convenience stores and fast food chains =D

Nice! Of the curry chains here, Hinoya is also my fave!

I could be remembering wrong, but wasn’t Steve Smith actually better than Steve Smith in fantasy at least one year?

Nadal was definitely changing things up a lot more this tournament than in I’ve seen him do at times in the past. Sometimes it seemed like he would get stuck in the same routine in a match, even if it wasn’t working. (Which makes sense considering his love of routines). In his last few matches it seemed like he was

While as someone else said, it’s possible Djokovic’s dominance may have been in part because of Nadal’s injuries; the only part of your analysis that I’m actually disagreeing with is Djokovic being slightly weird (lately?). Unless we are setting the bar for being just plain weird at Rodman levels in which case yeah,

Or over a decade xD

That whale is so big that wasn’t two... that was just its mouth open o_O

The Drax of that (fishing) vessel.

After watching the video, I’m pretty sure he mistook the third base coaches sign to stop as an invitation for a hug and just continued running in shame after the coach side stepped him.

Yeah. People would often speculate Rafa was doping because he “looked too muscular for a tennis player” but it was really just his biceps they were referring to (and I think they were often just comparing him to Fed). For the most part he fits right into that “ideal size” top players are supposed to be.

Almost as impressive as Nadal at the French has been Roddick’s tweets about Nadal at the French!

You’ll have MANY opportunities. I remember reading that Tokyo had almost 4 times as many restaurants as New York and Paris... combined. With that amount of competition it’s hard to find a bad meal outside of theme style restaurants (and even then some can be good like the Ninja restaurant in Akasaka).

Can’t recommend enough going on these types of trips as soon as you can in life. I was so hesitant to go to Japan my first time and wasn’t that interested in it, but some friends convinced me to go. Now I’m living there and some of my best memories in the past 10 years have been on trips to Japan and other countries

Just give it 108 years and things should work themselves out...