All she needed to do was yell that her ship is the ship that will pierce the heavens.
All she needed to do was yell that her ship is the ship that will pierce the heavens.
That *would* be a great game.
I think Elway might be even higher — if I recall, he went through some dark times during his divorce.
Fifty-eight is still awfully damned young (I mean, I’m sure it seems old to some folks, but I’m in my late 30s now, and 16-year-old me thought I’d feel ancient by this age). Whatever took her from this mortal coil, here’s hoping her passing was peaceful and attended by those she loved best in the world.
Hopefully she…
The context does not at all excuse fans throwing shit at players. You don’t do that ever, even if a player is “acting like a child.” It seriously amazes me that you or anyone else would think that is ever an ok thing to do at a game.
This is fucking bullshit. Period. Utter fucking rubbish.
I think that telling people they don’t know what it’s like to have low self-esteem is one of those things that will make you look like an asshole 100% of the time. How the hell do you know how he actually feels? He even stated he’s been in therapy for a long time, dealing with issues from his childhood and…
Did you not see the legal catch-22? They filed a DMCA claim, he filed a counterclaim, that requires, in highly legal terms, you to put up or shut up— either file suit or accept their counterclaim as valid.
You’re right, it can be both a mildly insensitive joke and it can also be really upsetting. But judging someone for feeling the latter...the whole “it’s just a joke/don’t be a snowflake” thing is predicated on telling other people how they are supposed to feel, and that they should feel and think the same way as you.
I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.
I initially thought “Getting hit by a car on Oasis” was one of the team names, and thought it should be at number 1.
But did either of them break out the Power Glove?
What bonehead started cutting onions in this comment
“The first thing I’m thinking is there’s some pedophile trying to buy my grandson an Xbox,” Watts’ grandmother Saundra said. “So I’m like, I’m going to bust up in there and bust his bubble.”
No, I don’t think so. It is/was nice to have service recognized and respected when I returned home. Especially as I’m mindful of how poorly our Vietnam-era forebears were treated.
No, don’t be bummed. What he did was the most diplomatic and tasteful compromise I can think of.
Sure is interesting how this gentleman, and most of the other veterans I know (myself included) have become this endangered species whose feelings and honor must be protected by the brave patriots in the bleachers and on twitter!
To be fair, his coach said he did not know how to hit a “decent” slice. He obviously knows how to hit a slice shot, whether he ever uses it or not, but the term decent to a professional tennis coach might be a little different than that of a run of the mill weekend player.
Get there as early as possible. Plan out what you want to do ahead of time if at all possible.