Diaper Don.
Diaper Don.
LOCK him UP! Lock HIM Up!! LOCK HIM up!!!
Dee Gordon looked like he was playing a game of pickup basketball at the beach...while Ben Gamel just finished his arc as an extra on Sons of Anarchy.
Yeah the Royal's uni's were awful (though not as bad as the gold monstrosity in the original game 20 years ago) but I did enjoy the 👑 on the helmet and hat.
Totally a Bing guy
You seem angry. What’s troubling ya, fella?
Yeah the Native Americans must have been PISSED
WOW look at the BIG BALLS on Bitch McConnell!
That tweet...the guy can never just quietly take his victory with dignity.
I’m starting to think this administration doesn’t properly prepare for its complex policy implementations and just pulls it straight out of its ass.
This feels a bit like French-Canadian prejudice. I bet if he was a Murican Doctor the NFL would give him his MD.
Nah I think this is literally CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY
I hear you. Some people are dense and just won’t get it.
This was less than a month ago. Look at the update in the article.
They make citizens of another nation pledge allegiance to our flag? Holy fascist dictator Batman!
The most powerful form of protest is with your wallet. Even these fascist goons will listen when the money stops flowing in. Don’t stay at Trump hotels (who thafuq would do that?) but more importantly, choose to shun companies that CHOOSE to do business with this administration.
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Would you say these politicians want to #MeltICE ?
This pun is guilty of crimes against humanity
Well I just don’t know if i can trust the journalistic integrity of the National Enquirer anymore...Â