Flatulist Asshole

He's going to sit in Kavanaugh's seats, which, coincidentally, the Russians also own.

King was just really excited to say Uighur without the uppity blowback.

What if you’re a Russian troll?

I don’t believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country.

whats the promo Code for the chipping Net?

whats the promo Code for the chipping Net?

Man, if I was a Raiders fan, I would quit football too.

No idea what you are saying. Learn proper English and sentence structure.

He could primary tRump. Republicans would love Camacho.

I weigh 250 lbs and I am not this fat. The thing is, at 5'9, I’m a half foot shorter than this rancid pumpkin.

Killing 150 foreign brown people would have been a feature, not a bug.

Da’s not just a river in Egypt.

Gawddamn this biased liberal media! Always reporting the things that we say as if we actually said them. Don't they know we must spin them through the GOP talking points machine before they become public record??? /S

Its almost as though there is a correlation between women’s access to reproductive health care and infant mortality...

Maybe you should just, like, not follow teams from Ohio. I give you permission to bandwagon that shit.

At this point I would be surprised if the plan isn't to ship them to gitmo, deny them asylum, and then release them all into Cuba as another form of Miller's "send immigrants to your enemies" program.

Naw, they hate us cuz you anus

It doesn’t matter that a lower court is trying to override a SCOTUS decision. It doesn’t even matter that repealing ACA would be extremely politically damaging.

I thought the little (R) by their name indicated they were Racist.

This is shocking and abhorrent behavior by an elected official. Anything short of Congress voting to expel him for witness tampering and intimidation will show how feckless they have become in this banana republic.

For a thousand bucks, (R)‘s expect a full shower show.