Flatulist Asshole

I would only tune in to watch that if I was given assurances he was dying from a ragestroke on live TV.

I give the guy credit for making the stamp without any spelling or grammatical errors, that is more than most magahumpers could accomplish.

And while we are at it please a PPV golf match between the orange dotard and Kim Jong Un or the 2020 DNC nominee. The dude cheats but his ego would never let him say no.

When i saw that picture I thought Milo Yiannopolis had joined a conservative drag show.

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Build wall ---> ? ---> America Great Again

Durr the troops are being sent home cuz Prisondebt Dump fixed the illegals problem for us.

Think about it. 2:20 is 140 seconds. 140 columns in the world trade center. 9/11 was an inside job.

He was elected to lead, and he cannot read.

I gave this post it’s 69th star. Noice.

You’re snowflake trumphumper impression could use some work. Try throwing a few references to ILLEGALS and false equivalencies.

Yeah its almost like cranky old white dudes commonly kick the bucket

If he did abuse a woman, obviously that is awful, but after the “Stormy Sting” in Ohio, let’s just say I’ve got some bizarro Alex Jones doubts about this story.

I did Nazi that coming!

69 Million buyout. Nice.

Uh, doy, to evangelicals half of gay people (lesbians) are totally cool, but gay men? They will burn in the depths of hell.

How can I be racist when I am a race? Think about it, many people don’t realize it, but white people are the caucasian race, some very smart people told me this.”

Hello friend

Aaaaannnd Kupp is already back to start the 2nd half. It did look nasty but I guess that was quite the premature speculation.

Is this your first time watching postseason baseball in the last 5 years? That’s Marlins Man, he’s a loaded injury lawyer that plunks down $10k a game for a seat behind homeplate.