They need all those pockets to carry Pruitt’s snacks.
They need all those pockets to carry Pruitt’s snacks.
Feckless Flake amirite?
These kids have been cruelly separated from their parents, and now they will be forced to fly Spirit Airlines.
Traders to the United States.
It’s actually Stephen Miller’s.
“Sentenced to Death for Treason against the United States”
I think Tronald Dump will staff the “Space Force” with immigrants.
Duh, Nazis made being a Jew criminal. Therefore = totally justified
If you squint a bit she actually looks like Waterford’s wife...
Oh shit, I didn’t know that was an actual plot point of that movie.
(R)’s new path to citizenship: Immigrants convicted of illegal border crossing are sentenced to conscription in the U.S. SPACE FORCE with the promise that once they complete their “tour of duty” they will be granted citizenship.
BREAKING: Trump says Putin is super-great smart guy, assigns him as Commander of all U.S. military bases in Asia & Europe.
At this point the more shocking headline would be “Michael Cohen found to have done something ethical and completely legal”
I’ve always advocated for Kim Jong Un - Trump winner take all GOLF match.
Dang, no one fuckin cares about the Rays.
“Stephen Miller, you have any ideas on taking care of this Melania problem?”
Oh, I’m sure there will be a golf course behind the hotel.
Those same people would probably say that you were indoctrinated by your snowflake pansy professor at your librul pinko college to think like a beta cuck incel.
Great, now I’m going to be paying a car payment for my goddamn maple syrup
“You think the world was shocked when Trump resigned?/Wait `til I whup Vlad Putin’s behind./Float like an eagle, maul like a bear./His tiny hands can’t grab pussies his eyes can’t see.”