Flatulist Asshole

Paint a picture of Ivanka’s boobs, he’ll come running.

You open the floodgates to anyone who wants to come, and you will destroy the United States.


But Deion, didn’t you punish those kids that chose Prime Academy as their school?

Be less dumb. Stereotyping is lazy and racist.

I think if Katie gained about 50 lbs she could play Shuckabee Sanders in a made for TV movie.

The ultimate deciding factor for @jack and the Twitter board is money.


Sentence structure, multiple tangents, basic grammar and punctuation errors...

I clapped for him, since, ya know, he can’t clap for himself.

“Trump received what appeared to be Thousand Island dressing during the salad course”

A meathead reality star can shame the leader of our country, by speaking semi-intelligently and coherently about climate science.

“Who’s Going To Tell Trump That His Idol Andrew Jackson Owned Slaves?”

Whoah whoah there...I fully support gay rights, but I also love me some Dogs Playing Poker.

Robo-Trump didn’t even punch back with a tweet about Malsky’s sexuality.

He’d enjoy it. U know he’s got that repressed sexuality thing going on, and I think Kayla Moore pegs him on the regular.

People want to know their schedules, because EVERYONE THINKS YOU’RE DOING EVIL SHIT.

Alright buddy. Just remember that in 2019, when the Democratic party will have a majority (but not 60-40) in the Senate.

Anyone else notice the brown people in that graphic make the least amount of money?

Do you think the fraudulent use of Budget Reconciliation so the Senate does not have to gain the required 60 votes to pass a law is democratic?