Flatulist Asshole

Congratulations, you have won the internet. +1

The A1 LED desk lamp only gives the black option and the promo code does not work. Was this only for the white lamp and is it sold out?

The A1 LED desk lamp only gives the black option and the promo code does not work. Was this only for the white lamp

“attached”, “but” you must have been educated in Oregon, the 48th ranked state in education.

Tupac told me from the grave they prefer “Hail Mary”

You’re slimebag child molester mayor took bribes to give away $200 million of city money to a medling Russian douche running the team into obscurity.

Cromartie taking a knee was fine, it was his 12 kids kneeling that got him cut.

Redneck Make Bad English

Holy shit. Snorted when I read this.

After 5 hours on the internet, your comment has zero stars. It takes talent to have an opinion so universally disagreed with on this site.

I didn’t understand one goddamn sentence in that entire article. Is this one of those hidden message conspiracy theory posts? Is the article really saying Hillary’s deleted E-mails started ISIS?

“I haven’t seen a fat pussy like that since Miss Piggy won my pageant” - Donald Trump

This scandal is like a giz stained dress on his presidency...

Breaking news: Pres. Trump has stripped EMU of their Title IV funding.

So by your “logic” 99% of all police shootings are the media must only be reporting on the 1% right? Seems like an awful high number when seemingly there is one every day. That would mean there are 36,500 police shootings a year. Does that seem like a justifiable number to you?

Nittany Lyin amirite??? I’ll see myself out...

Make Bad Decisions Again

I propose AC/DC’s “Big Balls” as anthem. Nothing’s gonna get you more pumped than a huge crowd chanting “BALLS! BALLS, BALLS! BALLS, BALLS!

We haven’t been to a Super Bowl since Arrowhead Stadium was built, and it’s now one of the oldest stadiums in the NFL.

7torms coming

That was SB 48, not SB 49, dipshit.