
Because if the war on drugs has taught us anything, it's that attacking supply rather than demand is a really effective means of curbing production.

I agree. A well placed "many" is missing from my original post. Many people will not understand. Some will and do.

Thank you for sharing this. I cheered you when I first heard about the obit, and even more so now.

The funeral, as they say, is for the living. So I would argue, do whatever you have to to get the taint of the dead off you.

As is typical of the rhetoric around fat, weight, and women's bodies, Rachel was deemed "too thin" and "not healthy" by viewers and the media.

I think the grossest part of this is that it's probably an elaborate marketing ploy for the sequel that is structured around the understanding that more people will pay for a porn if they can at least suspect that the woman didn't want to be there/doesn't want it to be watched.

Yes, it's called a safe, legal abortion conducted by a trained medical provider.

Yep! I even think it's somewhat insulting to men.

Now playing

I miss the Shakira when she first started out.

Dear Men Everywhere,

That incident really shows the disconnect between people who've struggled with an addiction and people who haven't.

This makes me real sad. I remember hearing an interview a while ago, and he was talking about alcoholism, and whoever was interviewing him asked him if he ever missed having a glass of wine with dinner. Hoffman got so mad, and said that drinking was never like that for him, he never just had a glass of wine with

I too reacted out loud. Really sad. I'm just over a year sober (booze was my bane) and it's such a struggle. I mourn the loss of this brilliant man. Rest in Peace.

I'm about 90% hetero, and I too would hit it.

I've heard black people say, 'black don't crack'. It can be seen as a revenge for all that oppression: now white people would love to have something black people have: eternal youth.

how YOU doing?

Your mom is a doll! Hope you inherited.

I'm a hetero lady, but: 10/10 would hit. I'm so sorry, I'll see myself out.

Beautiful! This woman is the next supreme!