
tl;dr but only because i refuse to engage in a discussion of sexual abuse narratives and agency of voice with Lena Dunham at the center. Nope, not gonna do it today.

THANK YOU. She has always struck me as someone who doesn't know how to stay the fuck in her lane. Don't talk about shit you don't know, ya know?

so yeah, shit. i have MS. the only thing that comes to mind is that the moment you say you have an incurable disease/chronic illness — one that is not at all discernible from the outside unless you use a cane or other device ("but you look so good" is a common and hated phrase for us) — its like you've said you have

omg, yes to number two. there is no overreaction at all. the nature of violence requires that it escalates.

yup, i recently switched to a flip phone and use my old iPhone as an iTouch when I'm out in a space with free wifi. it makes a huge difference, I'm just more present and find myself using my brain more if lost instead of google maps.

seriously?! like people actually do this? I'm a phone/social media addict, i admit that but not when it comes to sexy time. i mean thats not even something to think twice about. what kinda sex are folks having here?

the craigslist link says the posts been flagged for removal :(


"When Ginsburg asked if they really think they're going to get to every client in every country on the globe to stop publishing pictures of celebrity kids, Kristen Bell said simply, "Yeah."" — i think i'd be more sympathetic if celebs went after the illegal taking and distribution of pictures of children in

you must be awesome at the rape crisis call center.

thank you for sharing your truth. here and in the obit. i'm sorry you had to receive so much shit for talking about the abuse now versus back when. i'll never understand how people don't get this fundamental truth: if some parents can be angels then others can be demons.

hmmm, not sure that that's fair to say. I've been fortunate to have two absolutely loving parents and i completely agree with this woman's sentiments and support her actions. its her truth. not mine. who am i, or anyone, to say otherwise?

congrats on your sobriety. that and your comment really resonating with me, as well. i'll be at 2 years next month and that ache is still there. it's never one fucking anything.

will do!

actually id say she has streaks plus salt and pepper, you just can't see as well in this photo. i tease her and call her a witch but yeah its gorgeous. i'm 31 and been sprouting a few silver grey strands since 19.

thanks all for the starring and compliments, damn, now i gotta figure out how to show her this page lol! and yep, one of her last flirtations was from a guy my age (31).

She's gorgeous. Happy to see white folks enjoying what us coloreds can take for granted. Case in point: My mom at 56.

I agree with another commenter here — your voice is just as valid, it's just that based on some of your other comments it seems like you're in a place of recovery and healing (which is absolutely needed, kudos!) so some (maybe, many) of the Jezebel posts may come off as even more bristling than intended. that's all.

Today I am grateful and humbled by my 1 year, 148 days, 22 hours and 45 minutes of sobriety. RIP Lisa. Fuck Alcoholism....

she took her weave out, posted it, (white) america exploded. its very similar to when i do or don't blow dry my hair and my white peers go apeshit while my black peers continue to act as if nothing happened....because nothing did.