
The Landmark Forum.

Just what we need, another memoir from a white girl.

This comment reeks of, "STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS! THERE ARE STARVING CHILDREN IN AFRICA!" This is not the pain olympics. Street harassment and the treatment of rape in India are both issues that deserve discussion and prevention methods.

Her tumbling is superb, but only in college would that score above 50%. They insist on ballet-inspired dance, with classic form, in elite gymnastics. For good reason.

"For good reason" means "because that's how white people dance," right? Because that's how it reads.

All I'm getting in your post is contempt with a dash of barely concealed racism.

"For good reason" = that's what it's looked like forever, and change is bad because I'm scared.

Totally disagree with "for good reason." Gymnastics is starved for a break in tradition when it comes to choreography, and while I agree her routine is certainly best suited for her current arena, it's refreshing to see someone break the mold like this.

Well she *is* in college, you pedant/spoilsport/dreamcrusher.

I heard someone describe her as "born on third base and thinks she hit a triple."

We aren't surprised that Paltrow has basically no sense of perspective or scale, right?

Meh. While I'm not in love with Gwyneth Paltrow, I don't understand the big stink. Erin wrote a bit of a logical twister about why it's reasonable to dislike her. Now we're gonna keep talking about her. It's more of Jezebel's policy: We love women, but not this woman.

Exactly. It's nine and I am waiting to get on a conference call with Hong Kong because of time zones and the nature of my job. My kids are in bed but I could not cuddle and lay with them because I have to review an infrastructure refresh plan for a data center. But, I am so sick of work that I am posting here

"I think to have a regular job and be a mom … of course, there are challenges, but it's not like being on set."

I like how Lindy tried to treat GP like a human being and people are citing empirical evidence for why that is a fool's errand.

I just want GP to disappear into whatever fabulous land celebs disappear into when they want quiet lives. I hate how much she sends shivers of utter hatred down my spine. I DON'T EVEN KNOW

I would despise her if I didn't find it entertaining that she continually one-ups her own cluelessness.

she forgot to mention the other difference....

And there are all sorts of people who devote their lives to their jobs, whatever they are. And they are like infinity less rich than GOOP.

"go back to being mommy" is really annoying phrasing. Was she not a mother when she was working?