
I look forward to pictures of Chris Martin hitting every greasy burger joint in London.

Everyone thinks their marriage will be the perfect one that lasts forever.

My husband gets so mad at me when I gasp out loud at celebrity news. He always thinks someone has died, and then I'm like, "Hillary Duff is getting a divorce!"

I gasped too and my boyfriend ran into the lounge thinking I was injured.

You don't think that they're not being photographed together was an affectation on her part? I do.



He knew he was wrong, so he took it upon himself like a guilty puppy to start doing other things. But I admit I didn't kick him out or anything. He may be selfish, but he is also very fine, and I wasn't about to leave that situation with nothing to show for it while he got a half blowjob, that's for sure.

I wanna drop the cable monster but I am old and hubby is older and we cling to what we know. When my daughter is a bit older maybe she can teach me how to stream and stuff. We did get a Roku and are slowly learning it's new tricks.

All this tells me is that there are a whole lot of people out there who are terrible in bed.

Really? That's wild! Who are these people?? What kind of sex lives do they have? I admit to being really attached to my iphone, and yeah, I am one of those people who immediately whips it out as soon as I get off the metro, and you know, every 10 minutes throughout the day, but some things are...sacrosanct! For fuck's

Didn't Paris Hilton do that a decade ago?

I will not have a smart-phone until I am forced to by lack of old-technology being available because I know that I would become a pavlovian nightmare. I used to run to the phone, always and I noticed that it was interrupting my day, my reading, my thoughts, moments with hubby, so I just stopped. I have no answering

It drives me insane how attached to their phones people are. I take the M train to/from work every day, and at the point when it comes above ground, it is just a sea of people pulling out their phones and checking facebook/instagram. What could have possibly happened that is so interesting? Meanwhile they are

I made it to the end. I just don't think I breathed during the second half.

I mean, I suppose all the ones that can't do death-defying acts die, and the ones that can live and breed with each other to make even more death-defying babies. Because apparently that's all they do in Russia: breed death-defying babies.

Here's a conundrum:

Do people honestly believe that Lilo wrote that list? Especially since Sam Ronson isn't on it. Somehow, I have a feeling some intern just picked a bunch of random names from actors Lilo has been photographed with or worked with. Also, lol at that KStew rumor. If they are going to come up with a rumor about celebs

The 'we'll die' stuff didn't strike me as so problematic - I was more bothered by how it was painted as romantic that Edward broke into her room at night to watch her sleep, and how Jacob forcibly kissed Bella. She was like a toy to be fought over by Jacob and Edward until one of them won her.

1.) Just realized that Harrison's lover/threat is Nora from HIMYM.