
Thats exactly my problem; the nebulous "power dynamics" that are raised but never rigorously examined.

Because disagreeing with how a rule is implemented means i don't understand the rule? Really?

Yes, I was referring to the MPRE. C&F is part of the bar app process but not, as the story suggested, part of the bar exam. In any event, my point was not that those types of relationships could never be unethical, just that the blanket prohibition infantilizes all concerned. Despite the Bars' conceits, clients

I am.

There's an ethics exam but it's separate from the bar exam. Anyway this is a de facto disbarment considering it requires him to petition for reinstatement. This guy comes off as a creep with boundary issues but so long as the women he propositioned are adults of sound mind I don't think it warrants permanent

Argh I meant female characters. I totally messed up my awesome joke.

Best. Game. Ever. That is not an exaggeration.

Just hire the Dead or Alive designers. It looks like 95% of the budgets of those games was dedicated to animating male characters.

And it would be completely reasonable to object to a completely arbitrary rule like the one you're proposing that barred some people from being an astronaut or NBA power forward for stupid reasons, too.

Adoption IS a wonderful thing, but some people want a baby that has their genes. And that is a perfectly legitimate thing to want.

"Taking a swig of cherry limeade for courage"

Besides trespassing and defiling their sofa, how were your parents screwed over though? I mean, if they were happy with the offer, is there any reason other than moral distaste for getting angry the business went to the shady guy?

"I had been virtuously resisting cheating on this guy for months"

Well as a single guy about to enter his 40's I hope you're right (about the former).

But men and women are equally shallow about mate selection I've found.

Good answer.

We agree on everything I think. It's not narcissistic to refuse sex, but it does approach narcissism when you refuse sex again and again without thinking about the feelings of your partner.

Totally agree. Personally I think there are a lot of asexual or nearly asexual people in relationships who just cannot understand on a cognitive or emotional level the importance of sex as opposed to other types of physical intimacy.

Agreed. What I really have trouble understanding is the mentality of partners (many who I see post here) who don't see the kind of issues that come up when they physically reject your partner again and again. Aside from the likelihood of divorce or infidelity, it's kind of frightening over the seeming narcissism

Seems like ultimatum time in your marriage.