
WHERE ARE THESE CRUISES??? The only one I went on the alcohol was pricey.

Man if I was the richest man in the world and getting a divorce I would spend years plumbing the depth of sexual exploration in my sex mansion. This is disappointingly tame.

There is a segment of white, working class Trump voters who could be gotten to switch back to Democrats with enough effort. The problem with this plan is (a) it would require turning on the Democrats’ true base, which is immoral; and (b) is tactically stupid. The white working class is a shrinking demographic; as

I would not worry too much. First, the research has either shown no correlation or a very minor one (think a slightly increased chance of ovarian cancer). Second, talcum powder used to be cut with asbestos until the 1970s, so a lot of statistics on long-term use are capturing that. Third, 7 years is not that long. And

As obnoxious as right-wingers are I strangely find them less obnoxious than a lot of the kinds of people who will be going to SXSW.

So Chloe Moretz is a privileged, WASPy, pearl-clutching, frowny girl lecturing another woman’s perceived misuse of bodily autonomy with the “I’m not slut-shaming, BUT...” slut-shaming tactic? Get that girl a Jezebel account, she’ll fit right in.

Nope. I’m not a big fan of Sanders or Clinton; I just want the strongest Democratic candidate in the primary, and neither are especially strong. President Cruz/Trump would be apocalyptic for our country.

Well I think anyone who thinks this will be easier for her, even if Trump is the nominee, is in denial. Her unfavorability ratings are almost as bad as Trump; that’s insane considering the kind of Hitleresque words coming out of Trump’s mouth.

Yes, HIllary Clinton is an extremely vulnerable candidate with high unfavorability ratings. Considering how apocalyptically bad the Republican options are, I am very worried, particularly since the Democrats are notorious for failing to get their voters out to the polls.

I am worried about the email investigation. I don’t think Clinton will be indicted, but we don’t know what’s going to happen. If she gets cleared soon, fine, but if this extends months and months it could hurt her in the general.

Eh, I thinkthe general sense among a lot of liberal law people is Scalia’s pretty overrated, and that a lot of his supposed “brilliance” was based on his tendency to write sneering and snarky opinions and dissents. He also had a tendency to shift his supposed rock-hard philosophical positions when he really wanted a

If Reagan was around now he’d be drummed out of the Republican party. A global warming-believing, gun-restricting, illegal immigrant amnesty-giving, big government, income tax-raising Hollywood actor would be pilloried by today’s GOP.

“But it’s a perfect example of what we’re talking about here. “Having it all” has been the default state of male life.”

South Florida, at least in Dade County, is somewhat unique in that the hispanic community is not just the most populous segment of society but also the most politically and economically powerful. And frankly, that fact has not necessarily improved the plight of the black community. I think a lot of African Americans

The demands were ridiculous and speak poorly to her credibility.

I would be so angry at any so-called friend that tried to transfer to me a ticket from a baseball game, the only sport on earth more boring than soccer.

My favorite thing about the Yankees is their ridiculously bimodal fanbase; a Yankees fan is basically either an investment banker on Wall Street or a working class Dominican or Puerto Rican guy from the Bronx (best people in the world, by the way).


“The problem he’s referencing is that americans, white americans especially, think they’re too good for that kind of work. Same thing goes for a lot of manual labor jobs. I worked on a farm once, very briefly, and it was me and seven legal migrants. 16 hour days, 7 days a week.”

Eh, I’d rather have a Christian electorate that just wanted a symbolic claim of Christianity than one that demanded old testament evangelical values on every issue.