
Not to downplay any of the issues with health problems generally with rural America and people of color, but since TB is a communicative disease prone to localized outbreaks, I’m not sure the number of cases per capita in a small town that just suffered an outbreak can be meaningfully compared to entire countries.

You forgot white!

Must be those New York Values.

Celebrities thrust themselves into the public eye and demand attention, too, though. That’s no reason to be cruel to them but let’s not pretend that Jennifer Lawrence didn’t seek out publicity.

The right to not incriminate oneself is not restricted to the case at issue; anytime the accused is testifying in judicial proceedings they can invoke that right.

Because the evidence wouldn’t exist if he hadn’t made the agreement.

Staten Island is 100% nicer since they filled in the landfill.

I think the thing is he can’t be forced to testify in the civil case if there’s a threat of criminal conviction over what he says. So it’s more like “I’m not letting you use the threat of criminal prosecution as a way to get out of being held accountable in the civil case.” I would not be surprised if the plaintiff in

I’m usually anti-prosecutor but this sounds fairly uncontroversial. If immunity hadn’t been granted for the statements made during deposition then Cosby could just refuse to testify during the deposition on 5th/14th amendment grounds.

I think the “trial tax” is more an informal mechanism; prosecutors and sometimes judges want to punish someone extra for forcing them to go to trial.

I wouldn’t admit that; George Lucas obviously was trying to create something special. I don’t think he succeeded but it wasn’t a cash grab.

A bit of meth might spice up the blandness...

“I’ve noticing recently how certain groups of people who never care about rape and sexual assault suddenly have no problem standing up for women when these crimes are done by brown-skinned men.”

He’s actually a great moviemaker, just weak at screenwriting and directing. He’s great at coming up with stories and production but needs people like Lawrence Kasdan and Steven Spielberg to step in and take over the implementation.

Hey, you're the one posing as a thug with that hardcore screen name.

“Immigrant” is not a synonym for “person” though. It refers to a person only in the context of a specific act. Like if I referred to someone as an “illegal driver” I am not characterizing their entire existence as illegal, but only in terms of one type of action they're taking.

You really are conflating “criminal” and “illegal,” and no,the distinction is not a colloquial one. Check your Black’s.

“Undocumented” doesn’t seem accurate either though. The issue is their status, not the existence of “documents.” If someone loses their green card in a fire they no longer have the document but their status isn't changed.

Why is the dad getting so much grief in these comments? If the sexes were reversed nobody would have a problem with a mother pursuing a father for child support after he agreed to the surrogacy.

While there are many legitimate complaints about the white male canon it has historically been fairly diverse in terms of economics. A lot of the greats were born in, lived, and/or died in poverty.