
You know, if we keep snarking and tearing down and pushing away people who are allies, WE ARE GOING TO RUN OUT OF THEM.

That sense.

I never found Hathaway obnoxious. Maybe because I’ve been around theater/actor kids who were so HAPPY AND EXCITED TO BE ACTING, AND OMG, GUYS, THE STAGE AND SILVERSCREEN IS THE BEST THING EVER and she reminds me of them. They don’t mean any harm. They are just a bit hyper and love the “craft” the way some die-hards

My (native New Yorker Jewish) boyfriend calls the bagels my parents buy from the grocery store “circle bread”

Danczuk is a revolting freak in personal terms. However it’s worth keeping in mind that for the last several years he has refused to sit down and shut up about the Westminster paedophile network despite the best efforts of ‘the establishment’ to sit him down and shut him up. It’s more than exposing the Cyril Smith

Am I too late to make a hilaaaarious “Dominos pizza is terrible and I’m a good person because I don’t lower myself to the standards of the pleb masses and instead take my refined pallet to only the finest of eateries so really this kid is just so much worse now” joke? Too late to elevate the food choices of a literal

It’s how gentlemen used to pay people without touching filthy money.

Actually, if I remember correctly, Guiliana had DCIS which, according to a great many physicians, isn’t even cancer. So, by having a double mastectomy and five years of Tamoxifen, Guiliana was actually wildly overtreated and has to live the rest of her life as a “breast cancer survivor.”

Eh. This is one issue where I diverge greatly from feminists on, probably due to my ethnicity. As a black man in America, I just can’t be so dismissive of the the existence of false allegations of rape and the impact that they have when they occur. Many an African-American man in the early-mid 20th century ended up

They were destroyed after a petition by one of the victims, under laws that protect the identity of victims of sexual crimes. The petition was submitted on behalf of a minor who lives at the Duggar’s address.

The records were destroyed under laws protecting the identities of victims of sexual crimes. The petition to destroy them was submitted by the parents of a minor child who lives at his parents address. So we know who petitioned for the destruction and why, the worst thing is it confirms one of his sisters as a victim

This is dating myself but... when I was 10 years old my mother moved us from Philly to Westwood Ca. (a whole ‘nother story but it was actually a case of custodial interference.) Our neighbor in in the Melrose place looking complex was Barbara Barry. She played Gavin Mcleod’s wife on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”. She

My brother LOVES telling this story, so it was easier to get him to text it to me than for me to remember every detail. For background, he was 10, I was 7, and we were on a Disney cruise ship. In his words: “I was about 10. You and I were asked by a cruise lady if we wanted to go to a kids room and play games. Robin

Isn’t this video a perfect metaphor for the U.S. and China?

The original article was bullshit, because it’s not “anthropology” if you’re just gossiping about your neighbors. And this article is bullshit, because it is written with palpable, near-orgasmic glee at the opportunity to hate on these women. As far as I can tell, there is zero evidence that this is an actual trend

Like the rest of us commoners? No way. She probably has a whole collection of handcrafted monogrammed crack pipes.

It’s super rare when a woman falsely accuses a man, but it does happen, sadly. I think it’s rare when a woman falsely accuses a specific individual. But I’ve known many girls in my short life who made up stories of trauma just to get attention. I went to an all girls school all my life, and a girl there often talked

B ut Faux

I feel like I need to put this here.