
While there is some justification for that, the "nagging only turns me off so stop it' has a few problems:

Have to ask, who actually ended up being right?

"My favorite people are the customers who can see that you are sick, and give you shade for working and possibly getting them sick. As if a lot of service industry workers have much of a choice in the matter."

You are not entitled to other people having ESP. A huge number of men AND women have difficulty reading small social cues. Add in cross-cultural differences. various cognitive biases, and the fact that it is culturally acceptable to approach potential romantic partners cold in public, and it's ridiculous to assume

There is also a tendency like with any ideology/group of defending the loudest people no matter what they say.

Legal recourse for domestic violence predates feminism by about 300 years.

I have nothing against the cosmic stuff, or even the movie itself; I'm sure I'll see it, and as a nerd the more such movies the better. I'm just curious as to what Hollywood sees in it. Like when Disney did John Carter; I'm a huge fan of the original series, but why did they think it would be recognized by a 21st

Can someone explain to me why they went with such an obscure comic? Obscure by mainstream society standards, I mean. X-Men, Avengers, and Fantastic Four I can understand; a sizeable chunk of non-comics fans have heard of them. But GotG?

"The key thing here is that you will know in the first few seconds if the woman you're trying to engage is interested or not.'"

Not surprising at all; it's actually fairly common, just not common among the predominately white, professional/white collar, female readership of Jezebel. The street is a place of social interaction for a lot of sectors outside that demographic.

I think what may really be bothering the guy are the stories saying that this girl's work "inspired" his; personally, if someone falsely claimed that years of work I did on something had been inspired by a 6th-grade-level science experiment I would be annoyed as well.

"Because God has apparently Taken A Stand when it comes to IUDs, and he only told dudes and the Pope about it, since IUD's weren't invented until the Bible was more than 2,000 years old."

Unfortunately for a shocking amount of women that adds to the appeal.

Concocting grand theories about it's somehow his fault because he like totally could have been bad to her and the family who is desperately trying to find the dog weren't actually interested in doing so before it was sold, because a few anonymous misogynist comments on an internet board can somehow make her not a

Ehh, she's done competently but not amazingly brilliantly. She is also way too hawkish for my tastes. I'd really rather see Elizabeth Warren as the candidate though probably too early in her political career.

Problem is there are a lot of people on the Democrat side of the aisle who tried to make Reagan's, Dole's, and McCain's age a big issue, so they don't really have the moral authority to suddenly criticize those who are doing it to Clinton.

Crocodiles are federally protected. And harder to find than alligators.

"(violations for which powerful men are rarely called out)."

No, absolutely wrong. There is nothing dysfunctional about an adult male finding a physically mature girl sexually attractive. It is insane to think otherwise. Now, as a matter of morality and legality you don't ACT on it (and that includes leering or staring), but to claim that they should find something wrong

If Veronica Mars is so smart why did she go to law school?