
The way this story was written annoyed me. The presumption that if she were a man it wouldn't have happened, the implicit assumption that men don't have the same risk from negotiating, and the way it downplays what were unreasonable requests from a beginning faculty member. Pre-tenure sabbatical? Delaying her start

Its not reasonable if other starting professors at her college aren't making that. Wat tye market rate is or what other colleges pay is not relevant.

I so miss being able to go to a restaurant and not really look at the prices when ordering. Oh well. Now I am pushing the bounds of human knowledge. Or something.

Weiiiird, I worked as a lawyer exclusively on retirement plan law before going for my PhD. I suppose someone with too much time on their hands could out me based on that, but whatever.

I honestly don't understand anyone who is planning to get a tenure track, career position. That's like planning to win the lottery. Anyone in a PhD program who isn't broadening their job search early on is setting themselves up for a lifetime of postdoc hell.

Hate to tell you all, but all the tedious boring stuff you hate about academia happens in the rest of the working world. Just more of it.

Uhhh....the employment rate for women is higher than that for men. If employers don't like to hire women, then they REALLY don't like hiring men. Is there some third sex I am unaware of that is getting all the jobs?

Interesting, I don't post pictures of myself with other people because I think it's rude to put pictures of my friends on dating sites.

I have such a crush on her.

Wow, exactly what I've found; I am just as likely to message a black woman as any other race, but I've found that a higher percentage seem to be super religious which is a dealbreaker for me.

" And I never realized there were so many "laid back" dudes who "hate drama" and are "living life and loving every minute." SNOOOOOOOOZE."

" And I never realized there were so many "laid back" dudes who "hate drama" and are "living life and loving every minute." SNOOOOOOOOZE."

Let's be honest here, in real life girls are just as willing to date attractive but unstable guys. Frankly, with a depressing number of girls unstable seems to actually be attractive in itself. And go on okcupid, you might be surprised.

Ahh, he looks like an average person on the street. The proclamations of hotness are being triggered by his fame, wealth, and (sort of) power.

You think so? It doesn't appear to be an especially exotic curve, I've seen plenty of data that maps out to something like that.

Your spelling is a lot of fun, though.

Ugh, unfortunate typo, I meant to say adventure games seemed aimed towards FEmale gamers.

Interestingly, adventure games (admittedly a far less popular genre than it used to be) seems largely geared towards male gamers, and tenss to have female protagonists.

There absolutely is no responsibility to pay for the medical care of a non-dependent family member. Very important for all of you reading this: if you are in that situation, the hospital may send you a bill and tell you you are responsible but they are lying.

I never said it was. I do find myself annoyed by people who angrily deny that cats kill hundreds of millions to billions of birds because they love kitties and don't want it to be true.