
It does suck; I used to have a job in Miami where a full suit was mandatory. Not fun. My next job I could, and did, show up in gym shorts and t-shirts. Funny enough, it was pretty much the same kind of job in the same field.

Wasn't she naked for most of the show? I think it takes some acting chops to act while 50 people on set are watching you while you're naked.

That eye belongs on top of a tower in Mordor looking for hobbits.

If you have to routinely wheedle your partner into giving you what you want chances are you both are selfish asses.

Uhhh, she represents a small, insular, fringe group. It's only messing up a minority of women and men.

The problem is not the lack of sex per se, it's the fact that constantly rejecting the spouse who wants an actual sex life carries a significant emotional toll that a lot of people, both men and women, are unwilling to face.

The shark biologists on my FB feed are so excited about this movie.

Maybe someone who is one of the architects of the current surveillance state might not be suitable for running a university which is in principle supposed to be dedicated to academic and personal freedom?


Ahhh, ok, thanks for the clarification, that is definitely very interesting that you think women can be Nice Guys, makes sense though I never even thought about that. I was a Nice Guy in my teens and 20's, and get a little sensitive about the subject because I am still dealing with the fallout from that in my late

I'm not convinced; while a lot of criticism is based on her gender, hardcore gamers would also very likely have been critical of bringing a business app-side male executive to the Xbox as well. I seem to remember something like that happening with male executives a couple of times over the years though I can't

You do realize that makes absolutely no sense, right?

Alright, one second here. Yes, it's definitely probably the primary problem with Nice Guys, but it didn't just appear in the media. I have known plenty of independent, empowered, feminist women who have exploited this narrative when they think it's to their advantage, like when refusing to be honest and upfront

I am a self-identified nerd and I like the BBT; it's not brilliant but it can be funny, and as for the purportedly anti-nerd message at the end of the day the nerds are the actual protagonists. And the actors portray them as mostly genuine nerds as opposed to 95% of other shows/movies where the "nerd" is the

I fully agree that video games need to have more female protagonists in general, but this article is a bit hyperbolic. Several of the most popular games allow you to play as a female (Mass Effect I and II, Fallout III and New Vegas, Skyrim, Diablo III), the Tomb Raider series plus several other similar 3-D

As a side note the average GQ model is about 19 years old and 140 lbs soaking wet. They're chosen for attractiveness, not bulk and most would not be much use in a fight.

Obnoxiousness is not rape. It is not even on a continuum where rape is at one endpoint.

Sorry if I gave that impression, your question was perfectly legitimate, and any tone issues on my part probably come from arrogance ("I'm a well-credentialled academic and these posters are aimed at drunken hillbillies"—as if well-educated men don't rape) and is completely invalid on my part. Judging how to behave

No, there is nothing in this campaign I can learn from. I don't think posters are needed for me to be self-aware, and I have spent my adult life developing a moral code to live by; some PR people in Missoula aren't really introducing any new philosophical concepts here. I'm not saying this campaign isn't a good

In my hometown it is played either by blue collar old Italian men or drunk hipsters, depending on what court you're on. If you are in Brooklyn and want to try it, Union Hall in Park Slope has two courts indoors.